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AA:PG UsainBolt V1 Pre-Release Version

not available
  • Kategorie: Americas Army Series
  • Entwickler:
  • Hochgeladen von: System
  • Hinzugefügt am:
  • System: Windows
Download (14.51 KB)

VirusTotal Ergebnis: 0/55



Instructions :
1.Open the Game
2.Join a Team
3.Open UsainBoltV1.EXE
4.Time to Troll , Enjoy (:


Fitted to Open Beta CL 158016 : (Working)

Download AA:PG UsainBolt V1 Pre-Release Version
Kategorie: Americas Army Series
Entwickler: devilmaycry1

1.Please ! Report to me of any bug / problem.

2.I'm planning to work on bigger project

3. I checked the hack in severel servers with PB detection and it works fine
Some of the servers(about 3,4 that i'm aware of) are using some protection that detects the speedhack and will kick you out of the server ..if you'll trying to abuse this server you'll probably 99% get banned by ACI protection.

4. I'm not going to support the Beta Version anymore just the Pre-Release and Full Game versions.

5.You can send me your ideas to more features

Instructions :
1.Open the Game
2.Join a Team
3.Open UsainBoltV1.EXE
4.Time to Troll , Enjoy (:

Updates + Features:
V1.1 Released (3.9.2015) WORKING
V1.1 Released (4.8.2015) Option to choose amount of speed


AA:PG UsainBolt V1.1
Kategorie: Americas Army Series
Entwickler: devilmaycry1

UsainBolt V1.1 Fitted to :
AAG Pre-Release Version.

Added Feature :

Now you can set the speed amount you want to.

1.Please ! Report to me of any bug / problem.
2.I'm planning to work on bigger project
3. I checked the hack in severel servers with PB detection and it works fine
Some of the servers(about 3,4 that i'm aware of) are using some protection that detects the speedhack and will kick you out of the server ..if you'll trying to abuse this server you'll probably 99% get banned by ACI protection.
4. I'm not going to support the Beta Version anymore just the Pre-Release and Full Game versions.
5.You can send me your ideas to more features

Instructions :
1.Open the Game
2.Join a Team
3.Open UsainBoltV1.EXE
4.Time to Troll , Enjoy (:


AA:PG UsainBolt V1.1