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BF1 Internal Hack Unleashed v1.5

  • Kategorie: Battlefield 1
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  • System: Windows
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BF1 Internal Hack Unleashed v1.5 Screenshot


Version 1.5:

new feature- "Provide Clean Screenshot", press Scroll Lock button to turn On/Off.
This will remove all visual hacks from the screen (like ESP, corsair, radar, spectator warning, menu, etc.) and will pass a clean screen shot to FF when is called. Please note, this remove only the visual hacks, so other hacks will continue to work and short keys too. So you can aimbot, no recoil, etc, just trigger it on/off with the shortkeys NUMPAD+ NUMPAD- etc...
When is On, your screen is clean, and you will see short alert, just a second after FF have made a screenshot. When is Off all visual hack will not hide, and when FF attempt to make screenshot, will be blocked and small alert will inform you

Why is all that? If you are in unaware of what the hacks do behind to clean the screenshots, they just block the FF to make a screenshot. That how all hacks here works, not only my hack but the other's people hacks too. So when you use any of these hacks uploaded around, FF do not receive a screenshot how you play. When you make abnormal score, FF might flag you and you will be monitored, and later manually (or automatically) someone will review your stats and screenshots and will take a decision. Unusual high score + failed screenshots every time, it's obvious you are using a hack, and 100% will be banned.

Download BF1 Internal Hack Unleashed v1.5
last update?
2 months no update !! Please Fix it
iam having dx11 but game still crash :/ pls fix it then its pritty gopod :D
Please Update !!
how to install??
how open it?
aimbot not work
The hack seems really nice thank you and good work as always we are very happy to have you
For that, those who can not make it work have forgotten something maybe visual studio 17 pro
fix this
Hack not work with me
try on borderless and windows screen and full screen

windows 10 64x

work as Blue screen and disappear in game