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BF2142 UltraKill 1.1

not available
  • Kategorie: Battlefield 2142
  • Entwickler:
  • Hochgeladen von: KN4CK3R
  • Hinzugefügt am:
  • System: Windows
Datei nicht verfügbar.


\"This application has failed to start because d3dx9d_39.dll was not found\"
Put the d3dx9d_39.dll in your system32 folder.

1. Start BF2142 (1.50)
2. Login
3. press Ctrl+Esp (to your Desktop)
4. use your Inector (Process:BF2142.exe DLL: UltraKill.dll)
5. Press Inject
6. back to Battlefield2142
7. Press Delete for MenuKey
8. Jion a Server
9. Have fun

-ESP Name
-Select Dictance
-No Sky
-No Fog
-View Distance
-Force Commander
-Squad Leader
-Fill Utilities
-Show FPS

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