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asdfHook BF3 v2 MiniMap Hack + No Recoil

  • Kategorie: Battlefield 3
  • Entwickler:
  • Hochgeladen von: KN4CK3R
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  • System: Windows
Download (354.40 KB)

VirusTotal Ergebnis: 40/45



Edit:  This release has the FPS problem fixed.
I'm not sure if there's any working hacks since the Battlefield 3  update, so I decided to release a very small cheat for the public to use  ^^
It has 3 features.
- NUMPAD 0 Toggles No-Recoil
- Mini-Map Hack ( Always On )
- Enemy Closeness ESP ( Warning when Enemy is close )
It is undetected, by PunkBuster, however, I do not have any screenshot  blocking code added into this version. So use at your own risk. I  personally played without PunkBuster screenshot protection for a few  weeks and never had problems.Credits: Whoever leaked the BF3 Server Files (Domo), Forza, Shrooms

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