Battlefield4 x64 External HAX v2.1.1.1
- Kategorie: Battlefield 4
- Entwickler: Axiieflex
- Hochgeladen von: Fotic
- Hinzugefügt am: Fr 3. Okt 2014, 17:45
- System: Windows
plsss update the hack axiflex <3 |
Hey bro awesome hack, just need to update it. please man like really update it please .-. |
axiiflex pls update de external hack <3 |
Well ive been keeping track of this hack, looks it got updated & fixed, but hasnt been approved yet to see if it works & that its safe before its released.Im sure the mods on this site will link it as soon if it comes out. |
Yes hack is detected, even when i restarted my pc and start game without hack, it say "Violation (AIMBOT) #59101" and kick me instantly for 2 mins. |
Hack has been detected!!! do not use, i got banned, just a few mins ago. use at your own risk... |
Yes, its working with ALT key. Thanks mate |
AIM BOT works while holding down the left alt key!! plus you must unbind it in game, which is voip by defaught, un bind it to blank, i changed voip to right alt key. so when you use aimbot, you must hold down the left alt key while shooting..hope this helps... |
Funktioniert leider nicht, im 2ten Spawn hab ich auch keine Waffen mehr... |
What is the name of your page? |