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MultiHack 4.3

  • Kategorie: Battlefield 4
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  • System: Windows
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I took out 1 hit kill
also there is no weapon Id change
and set fire rate to 1100 rpm for Most Lmg's it was 2000rpm

No recoil with give you a pretty avg hit reg
but No spread will give the best , tho less FF safe

Hopefully these changes will make the hack safer
and cut down on FF bans. and curb the Gametime Rage killing.

Download MultiHack 4.3
PLEASE make another one.THIS HACK was amazing,i play, it more than 150 hours,bu i tdidint work since last patch PLEASE PLEASE
pls update the hack. your hacks was the best but i think its detected
pls update i get kicked everytime at the start of the game pls fix 
it is not working
can someone tell me how to install this? i am too dumb^^ english/german
guyz how to use no recoil?
you guys are fucking retarded u are commenting and using an super old hack and expect it to work and not get banned fucking retards
The hack seems to load properly, but nothing actually works - except the crosshair and minimap. For example, the ESP boxes don't activate, the aimbot don't work etc.

Any ideas?
Was muss ich tun ? Hab version 4.0.2 und rahmenlos, sodass es im bildschirm ist aber nichts passiert ? 
it works fine for me amazing cheat