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v1.3.37 AlterIWnet Hax

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Just a Simple .Exe so easy to open!

Game: Modern Warfare 2
Game Version: v1.3.37 (AlterIWNet)
Edit statistics
Editing level \ prestige
Editing tests
Reset Test \ unlock
Unlocking Dvar teams
Thermal Always-On
Thermal Effects Removal
No Recoil
No flash / stun visual effects
No effects \ fog
No sun
No gun
Chopper Box ESP
Name ESP
Third Person
FOV Changer
1. Start the game and turn.
2. Launch the program and adjust as you need.
3. Back in the game and play.

Installation: 1. Start the game and turn. 2. Launch the program and adjust as you need. 3. Back in the game and play.

The Real Shit...
Jorgos9 ,,, More Hacks Coming Soon!
But not made by me


AlterIWNet v1.3.37/Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
v1.0.182 Hack
Version 1.00b

by 0rbit


Sorry about there being no hotkeys, still haven't found
a good way of setting up hotkeys with MW2 running.
As I say on the tab, don't get your hopes up about the
Server Tools thing. There are others out there anyway

v1.00b = Beta = Not entirely done.
There are a few bugs with unlocks (some re-locking
eachother and crap), and stuff. If you want it all just
click the unlock all box, and enjoy. If you want to
unlock *some* attatchments and camos and not
others, I'm afraid this ain't the hack for you. Use
Blubb's or another that has that functionality.


Greetz - Peeps who helped me on this, or were a part
of the hack...
* Big Dave
* Hell_Demon
* Cardoow

Shouts - Everyone else that needs naming, be they
friends or just people I respect...
* Melodia
* war3zdude92
* House Hax
* Blubb1337
* A few friends from across the 'net... You know who
you are

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