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Black Ops 2 - Ultimate Trainer v1.2

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VirusTotal Ergebnis: 0/46



Feature-list (I can't list everything, because that would be too much for the moment)

  • XP Booster - It can give you up to 3.5k XP per ROUND! You can choose by your own, how strong you wanna have the booster.
  • Weapon Unlocker - Camo & XP unlocker for every weapon. That means Specials, Secondary Weapons, Primary Weapons.
  • Challenge Unlocker - You can unlock almost every little challenge in this game, be car full, some parts will be reset because of the xp booster.
  • Combar Record Changer - You can change many things for your combat record, even more than just kills and deaths and that stuff!

Changelog from v1.1 to v1.2:

  • Primary and Secondary Bug fixed (you will not get rested to Level 1 for some weapons)
  • Peacekeeper Unlocker / Max Level added
  • Combat Knife Unlocker
  • Some other bugfixes and improvements

How To:
Start Black Ops 2 MP
Start the Trainer
Use Trainer ONLY in the Barracks not in the Lobby!
AND don't use too many options at once, this can result in a game crash or in a connection error
CLOSE Trainer
Join a match
Get 1 Kill
Leave the Match
Repeat (for example for the XP Boost)

If you using the XP Booster, make as many different kind of weapon classes with all possible perks and other stuff as possible. Don't use the same weapon with the same attachments twice. In may case it was possible to get 3k XP or more per round!

Be aware: You can change your hole stats with that program and it will be impossible to get back after!! It is possible that you can be banned because of reports from other players of suspecting stats

Download Black Ops 2 - Ultimate Trainer v1.2
After i click on the button its close by it self  can some one help me? Yeah i try the admin thing
Zitat von NovaThe post
ich hab auch das Problem das sich das Fernster kurz öffnet und dann direkt wieder schlisst kann mir jemand helfen ?
als adminestrator ausführen
Kann irgendwer schreiben was man da machen muss
ich hab auch das Problem das sich das Fernster kurz öffnet und dann direkt wieder schlisst kann mir jemand helfen ?
Zitat von R4d3c post
Hats sich erledigt, ich habe das Problem gefunden
Bei mir ist auch das problem was muss man da machen das es wieder geht ?
Bitte helfen es geht net. Ich kann es Starten Menüs öffnen aber sie klappen net net also bitte hilfe.(PS: Ich öffne den Hack mit Winject!)
was war dein problem mit dem fenster bei mmir ist es dasselbe
Hi Knacker. Could you please update this hack, because i had it before my reset and I loved it! It would be really really nice.
Nice greets 
Hmm hab noch keine Probleme bekommen hab ihn gaaaaanz am Anfang ausprobiert und hab immer noch kein Ban..^^ Naja mal schauen was noch kommt.