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OGC FX v3.3 (Public Edition)

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  • Kategorie: Counter-Strike 1.6
  • Entwickler:
  • Hochgeladen von: KN4CK3R
  • Hinzugefügt am:
  • System: Windows
Datei nicht verfügbar.


OGC FX Public Edition by Sruh (VAC Secure @ 08.03.2008, There was a VAC update, still Secure)

irc.rizon.net #ecc


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OGC FX v3.3:

Again a small Update for VAC
I release a new Version with some
fixes and Addons soon.


OGC FX v3.2:

Fixed Aimbot BUg
Fixed Burstfire (HLG Ban)
Fov with HLH is still ****ed up.. use CSG Proof Aiming (on HLG anyways or activate Aimbot after Server join)
XQZ is nice to on Mouse 2 or 3 if u wanna hide it, and gives no Probs with HLG
Small Update for VAC (CRC)


OGC FX v3.1:

This Hack includes:

Play Glow
Bomb Timer
and smth more ;x
Peb Hide Module


Credits: XEPT, OGC, System, Bunny 771, P47R!CK, PharLap, Dom1n1k, ECC Crew, Game-Deception and all other i forgot.