- viewmatrix=0x04A08FB4
- entitylist=0x04A13A24
- localplayer=0x00A71C3C
First. Download the ESP or Aimbot.
Now. The only thing I'm not sure of is the triggerbot. It didn't work for me before the update or after so I'm going assume it's just broken until he fixes it.
Second. Download a 32 bit program. I have been using Fallout Mod Manager without any issues. You don't even need Fallout to use it for this hack. I suggest you use it.
Third.Place the DLL and Extreme Injector on a flash drive.
Fourth. Run csgo and join a game w/ bots.
Fifth. Make sure the game is in windowed fullscreen and alt tab out.
Sixth. Open your flashdrive and open Fallout Mod Manager
Seventh. Open Extreme injector and push settings before doing
anything! and set your injection type to
Manual Injection. I turn on stealth inject. Don't know if it helps but why not.
Eighth. On the right side of the settings, set Scrambling type to
Custom and hit
Ninth. Set the advanced options to everything checked except
Create new entry point.
Tenth. Hit ok and add the DLL from your usb.
Eleventh. Choose fomm.exe or fallout manager from the select window. and check the dll if not already in the box. hit inject.