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SimpleCSSHack v.0.4

not available
  • Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Source
  • Entwickler:
  • Hochgeladen von: KN4CK3R
  • Hinzugefügt am:
  • System: Windows
Datei nicht verfügbar.


Features List:

Multiplayer Hacks:
# No Flash
# No Smoke
# No Rain
# Wallhack (WF)
# Fullbright
# Radarhack
# Cvar bypass
# Easy HS
# Speedhack
# Hitlocator
# Chrome Models
# Greyscale

# Cheats Bypass
# Consistency Bypass
# Pure Bypass

.NET Framework

1.) Start CS:S
2.) Tab out and start the hack
3.) Make your choice
4.) Go back into game
5.) Have fun!

Please notice: If you choose the speedhack,
the speedmeup.dll will be injected into your
L4D process! Another GUI will appear where u
can adjust the speed!
A multiplier of 1,0 will set the gamespeed to

You can use the speedmeup.dll also for other
games. For that you need Winject for example!

Beware: the speedmeup.dll is still alpha-stadium!

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