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Grand Theft Auto V

Galaxy Source

Galaxy Source

SourceCode of the GTA V Galaxy Menu.
9. Jun 2017
The Umbrella 1.4

The Umbrella 1.4

Is the Umbrella safe? This question gets asked a lot and the answer is yes (for now). , atleast it should be undetected untill the next update (13.6.17). How to use? -Download and extract -Start gta in online mode -Inject the dll when the game is fully loaded using an Injector (Xenos or Cheat engine
7. Jun 2017
Chr1s Cheat Engine Table | RP , Money , Unlocks

Chr1s Cheat Engine Table | RP , Money , Unlocks

Functions: -DLC Unlocks -RP Multiplier -Money Tunables -Change GTA ONLINE Name (temp) -Teleport Can you get banned for using this? This question gets asked a lot and the answer is NO (for now). Even if it uses Cheat Engine it's safe (Cheat Engine itself isn't detected). Actually Instant RP is safer
7. Jun 2017
GTA:O SessionSweeper

GTA:O SessionSweeper

SessionSweeper allows you to empty and lock your current session with the simple press of a button. There is no load screen, so it's a very convenient way to avoid cheaters and people who interrupt your CEO work! Just make sure you're not inside of an I/E vehicle when splitting the lobby, and enjoy
6. Jun 2017
subVersion GTA:O Internal 2.1.0 hotfix1

subVersion GTA:O Internal 2.1.0 hotfix1

Internal hack for GTA:O 1.39 2.1.0 HOTFIX1 - Fixed menu text scaling above 1920x1080 2.1.0 - Internal overhaul. subVersion no longer uses a native invoker. - Added blamed explosions (and bypass for blamed explosions) - Added name changer - Improved explosive ammo - Fixed give wanted level - Improved
6. Jun 2017
subVersion GTA:O Internal 2.1.0

subVersion GTA:O Internal 2.1.0

2.1.0 - Internal overhaul. subVersion no longer uses a native invoker. - Added blamed explosions (and bypass for blamed explosions) - Added name changer - Improved explosive ammo - Fixed give wanted level - Improved chaos modes - Added menu text scaling for resolutions other than 1920x1080 - Added 50K/s
3. Jun 2017
GTA V Solo Public Session v3.0

GTA V Solo Public Session v3.0

Features: - 100% guaranteed alone (including friends) in Public Session - Working by blocking inbound and outbound connection via Firewall Rules Policy - IP whitelist to make sure nobody can join your session except IP addresses you put on ignoring list - User-friendly interface, easy to use, step by
31. Mai 2017
subVersion edited menu

subVersion edited menu

So here are the features added: SecuroServ ban (50 seconds, not more for obvious reasons) Added more 40k bags (dropping speed basically) Remote money (contains 50k Stealth, 50k SecuroServ) Remote event (contains CEO Kick, Kick from vehicle, failed transaction screen, house invite, kick from session
27. Mai 2017
subVersion Recompile

subVersion Recompile

so basically i just recompile subVersion Menu that crashing on steam version without changing any function 39k bag drops (the same method as a original, just changing the value) add (risky text) on recovery YT0n50zkx0c
27. Mai 2017
GTA V Solo Public Session v2.0

GTA V Solo Public Session v2.0

Features: - 100% guaranteed alone (including friends) in Public Session - Working by blocking inbound and outbound connection via Firewall Rules Policy - IP whitelist to make sure nobody can join your session except IP addresses you put on ignoring list - User-friendly interface, easy to use, step by
27. Mai 2017