Lion [AION BOT] Downloads › Other FPS Games Kategorie: Other FPS Games Entwickler: shiftypowers Hochgeladen von: KN4CK3R Hinzugefügt am: Fr 26. Apr 2013, 14:22 System: Windows Download (166.26 KB) VirusTotal Ergebnis: 1/46 Download (166.26 KB) Beschreibung Bei Problemen mit einem Hack hilftein Blick in die FAQ! Lion.exe is what you see above, config.lua is offsets(no need to recompile) and your character name Press Load Config and choose your script file cleric_bot.lua is a simple script I wrote to control my cleric. new script for my cleric:TEXT Code:require 'config' Update() key_heal = N1key_loot = N5key_rest = N6 sequence = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2 }c = 1 resting = false last_cast = GetTickCount() + 2500 function checkrest() if < 500 then SendKey(N6) return true end return falseend function docombat() if last_cast < GetTickCount() then ab = hotbar[sequence[c]] last_cast = GetTickCount() + ab.duration UseAbility(ab) c = c + 1 if c > 7 then c = 1 end end end function main() Update() if player.hp < 500 then SendKey(key_heal) Wait(500) end if > 0 then if == or resting == true then do return end end docombat() else SendKey(key_loot) Wait(4000) SendKey(Tab) end if < 500 then SendKey(key_rest) resting = true end if resting == true then if > 1500 then resting = false SendKey(key_rest) end end end here's the new config file (contains all keys if you need them)TEXT Code:updateinterval = 100 playername = "Godpoing"hp_addr = 0xFBC1B0maxhp_addr = 0xFBC1ACmaxmp_addr = 0xFBC1B4mp_addr = 0xFBC1B8name_addr = 0xFB329Cexp_addr = 0xFBC1A0target_pointer = 0xB45EA4hotbaraddr = 0x102D648playerx = 0xFB2E80playery = 0xFB2E7Cplayerz = 0xFB2E84 state_normal = 0state_attack = 1state_resting = 3 LeftButton = 0x01RightButton = 0x02Cancel = 0x03MiddleButton = 0x04ExtraButton1 = 0x05ExtraButton2 = 0x06Back = 0x08Tab = 0x09Clear = 0x0CReturn = 0x0DShift = 0x10Control = 0x11Menu = 0x12Pause = 0x13CapsLock = 0x14Kana = 0x15Hangeul = 0x15Hangul = 0x15Junja = 0x17Final = 0x18Hanja = 0x19Kanji = 0x19Escape = 0x1BConvert = 0x1CNonConvert = 0x1DAccept = 0x1EModeChange = 0x1FSpace = 0x20Prior = 0x21Next = 0x22End = 0x23Home = 0x24Left = 0x25Up = 0x26Right = 0x27Down = 0x28Select = 0x29Print = 0x2AExecute = 0x2BSnapshot = 0x2CInsert = 0x2DDelete = 0x2EHelp = 0x2FN0 = 0x30N1 = 0x31N2 = 0x32N3 = 0x33N4 = 0x34N5 = 0x35N6 = 0x36N7 = 0x37N8 = 0x38N9 = 0x39A = 0x41B = 0x42C = 0x43D = 0x44E = 0x45F = 0x46G = 0x47H = 0x48I = 0x49J = 0x4AK = 0x4BL = 0x4CM = 0x4DN = 0x4EO = 0x4FP = 0x50Q = 0x51R = 0x52S = 0x53T = 0x54U = 0x55V = 0x56W = 0x57X = 0x58Y = 0x59Z = 0x5ALeftWindows = 0x5BRightWindows = 0x5CApplication = 0x5DSleep = 0x5FNumpad0 = 0x60Numpad1 = 0x61Numpad2 = 0x62Numpad3 = 0x63Numpad4 = 0x64Numpad5 = 0x65Numpad6 = 0x66Numpad7 = 0x67Numpad8 = 0x68Numpad9 = 0x69Multiply = 0x6AAdd = 0x6BSeparator = 0x6CSubtract = 0x6DDecimal = 0x6EDivide = 0x6FF1 = 0x70F2 = 0x71F3 = 0x72F4 = 0x73F5 = 0x74F6 = 0x75F7 = 0x76F8 = 0x77F9 = 0x78F10 = 0x79F11 = 0x7AF12 = 0x7BF13 = 0x7CF14 = 0x7DF15 = 0x7EF16 = 0x7FF17 = 0x80F18 = 0x81F19 = 0x82F20 = 0x83F21 = 0x84F22 = 0x85F23 = 0x86F24 = 0x87NumLock = 0x90ScrollLock = 0x91NEC_Equal = 0x92LeftShift = 0xA0RightShift = 0xA1LeftControl = 0xA2RightControl = 0xA3LeftMenu = 0xA4RightMenu = 0xA5a couple different things added GetTickCount() was added (self explanatory) hotbar variable was added - this contains your 1st hotbar (I'll add rest later) access it by doing hotbar[index] it returns an ability, soTEXT Code:ability = hotbar[0]casttime = ability.durationUseAbility was added TEXT Code:ability = hotbar[0]UseAbility(ability) The waypoint stuff doesn't do anything yet, I'll finish it when I have timeFunctions exposed to the scripts are: Update() - updates player info (hp, mp etc) Wait() - basically a Sleep() player - object contains, name, hp, mp, target information your script must have a "main" function. it will be called based on the interval specified in config.lua Download Lion [AION BOT]