ETH32nix salvation Final Downloads › Sourcecode Kategorie: Sourcecode Entwickler: - Alexplay- ELITE_x- rabbit- LeAkeR Hochgeladen von: System Hinzugefügt am: Mo 28. Dez 2015, 14:35 System: Windows Download (10.92 MB) VirusTotal Ergebnis: 0/51 Download (10.92 MB) Beschreibung Bei Problemen mit einem Hack hilftein Blick in die FAQ! This Thread is a tutorial on how to cheat with Linux on Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (tested with Ubuntu 14.04, but should work with the latest distros) To install Ubuntu 14.04 and Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, lots of tutorials are available on google. If you have any issue regarding that, just reply to this thread and I will help you. Once ET is working, we now need to get the hack to work. STEP ONE - Downloading First, download the hack Click on the 'Download" button, then a message will popup and will ask you if you would like to 'Open' or 'Save' the file. Select 'Save'. Now there will be a file on your Desktop or in /home/user/Downloads called 'ETH32_salvation.tar_[Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren]_.gz' If the file is in /home/user/Downloads, then just copy/paste it to the Desktop, because it will ease things out. STEP TWO - Extracting Open a terminal and type the following line :Zitatcd /home/user/Desktop tar -xzf ETH32_* (Replace user by your username in Ubuntu) Now there will be a folder on your desktop called 'ETH32_salvation' You can delete 'ETH32_salvation.tar.gz' because we won't need that anymore STEP THREE - Compiling The hack is already compiled and should work just fine on Ubuntu 14.04 and pretty much every other new linux distros, so go directly to Step 4. However, if you get errors while trying to run the hack, then you should try to compile it yourself by following the instructions on step three. Open a terminal, type TEXT Code:cd /home/[b]user[/b]/Desktop/ETH32_salvation then press ENTER. Replace user with your username within Ubuntu of course. The next thing we need to do is install the programs/files we need to compile ETH32nix. We can do this by typing the following into the terminal: TEXT Code:sudo apt-get install scons binutils-dev libelfg0 libelfg0-dev libcppunit-dev libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev zlib1g-dev g++ gcc pkg-configNow press enter. After you pressed enter it will ask you for your password. Type your password. Now we need to enter the commands to start compiling. Type the following into the terminal: TEXT Code:scons && scons pk3 && mkdir -p dll && cd client && scons && cp ../dll && cd ..If the compiling went smootly and no error messaged are to be seen, and eth32nix.pk3 should be created in the folder. Rename these two files to lolilol4.pk3 and This is very important because if you do not rename the .pk3, punkbuster could kick you for md5 check. STEP FOUR - Runfile Editing Now open the 'ETH32_salvation' folder again. Next do a right click on the file called '260' Go to properties, then permissions, and tick the box 'allow executing file as a program' then press close. Then open the file with gedit This is what the code looks like:Zitat#!/bin/sh export ETH32_DIR="/home/user/Desktop/ETH32_salvation" export ETH32_ET="/usr/local/games/enemy-territory" export LD_PRELOAD="$ETH32_DIR/" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:. cd $ETH32_ET exec ./et-sdl-sound +com_hunkmegs 256 +set fs_game etpro "$@" unset LD_PRELOAD After ETH32_DIR, replace user with your username within Ubuntu. Also, if your Enemy Territory directory isn't the default one, change it after ETH32_ET. The line Zitatexport LD_PRELOAD="$ETH32_DIR/" is used to inject the hack into the game. The .so file by default should be named but I renamed it to to avoid any trouble with punkbuster. If you decide to rename it to something else, you also have to change it in the runfile. The last line Zitatexec ./et-sdl-sound +com_hunkmegs 256 +set fs_game etpro "$@" unset LD_PRELOAD executes the game. If you aren't using the sound hack et-sdl-sound to start Enemy Territory like I do, then just replace et-sdl-sound by et.x86 STEP FIVE - Settings.ini Editing Now open 'settings.ini' and change the settings according to your preferences. It would be way too long to explain what every line is about and anyway, all these settings are pretty much self-explanatory and customizable with the in-game menu (F9 key). Just make sure pk3name=lolilol4.pk3 I decided to rename the .pk3 to lolilol4.pk3 file to avoid any trouble with punkbuster. But If you want to change it to something else (everything but eth32nix.pk3 is fine), you can do it, but you then have to change this line in the settings.ini file. STEP SIX - RUNNING THE HACK Before running the hack, copy lolilol4.pk3 and paste it in '/home/user/.etwolf/etmain' otherwise the hack visuals won't be displayed correctly. Punkbuster is scanning .etwolf/etmain so once again, make sure the .pk3 has a random name, like lolilol4 for instance, otherwise you'll get kicked. If you can't paste the pk3 inside .etwolf/etmain because of permission issues, open the terminal and type the following command:Zitatsudo chmod -R g+rwX /home/user/.etwolf Now run the hack with the following command :Zitatcd /home/user/Desktop/ETH32_salvation sudo ./260 Once in-game, open the menu with F9 and customize everything as you like. There's just one setting I advise you to keep, and it is 'damagefeedback=false', because otherwise the human aimbot will aim at the feet every time you get hit - due to the kickback. Have fun! And if you have any question feel free to leave it here, and I'll do my best to answer it ASAP. EDIT : By the way, the hack supports all the mods that are listed in 'offsets.ini'. Newer mods like jaymod 2.2.0 or noquarter 1.2.9 aren't supported because this hack is quite old, but if you know how to find those offsets, feel free to do it and to post them in the thread so everyone can enjoy some jaymod/noquarter fun Download ETH32nix salvation Final