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ARK ESP (231.7)

  • Kategorie: Sourcecode
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  • Hochgeladen von: System
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  • System: Windows
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ARK ESP (231.7) Screenshot
ARK ESP (231.7) Screenshot


ARK ESP source working for 231.7 (latest as of this writing)

- Radar & ESP
- C# .NET 4.5/4.0
- SharpDX9
- RPM only, no writes or injections of any kind
- Custom generation of a view-matrix based on location, rotation, fov)
- Highly optimized memory reader class

If any prospective learners or users wish to use this I would recommend you do a few things:

1) Change the strings and find an obfuscator. This game does use VAC after all, this release WILL make it detected after a while. You can find tutorials on howto encrypt/obfuscate .NET elsewhere on this forum and google.
2) Update the string parser memory subsystem since its slow and nasty as hell
3) Some emplacements & dino's are missing from the entity array, and some are incorrectly categorized, so they should be fixed. (Giganotosaurus, Onyc, etc)
4) You will likely need Visual Studio 2013+ (I used Community Edition) to compile it if you don't know what you are doing.
5) Its built on SharpDX 2.6.3, I included the .dll's in the source package
6) After you've learned what it has to offer destroy the whole thing and make a better one, thats what I just did and is why I'm releasing this one since its old and will never be used by me again for anything.

Download ARK ESP (231.7)