Node.js BEA Hack Source Downloads › Sourcecode Kategorie: Sourcecode Entwickler: place1337 Hochgeladen von: System Hinzugefügt am: So 28. Aug 2016, 16:50 System: Windows Download (9.58 KB) VirusTotal Ergebnis: 0/56 Download (9.58 KB) Beschreibung Bei Problemen mit einem Hack hilftein Blick in die FAQ! First, you need a 32bit node.js from the official site.Then download the attachment.then run the following command on the directory where you want to install the hack.TEXT Code:npm i memoryjs asynckeystate jsonfile sleep opener express requestDownload the attachment then uncompress to the folder. To start, you need to run the following command:TEXT Code:node main.jsit will open the localhost on your browser so you can set up the hack If you setted all the settings, click to the start button After you added some skins, you need to push the 'F1' button so it will update.Note: You will need to enable the port 80 on your firewall (or change it whatever you want)Note#2: Need to allow the node.js through the firewallGITHUB:Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren Download Node.js BEA Hack Source