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Star Wars Battlefront

Coltonon Hack 8.2

Coltonon Hack 8.2

Rebuilt aimbot. Now uses camera vect, engine velocity for prediction, and some other new shit to make it smooth as a babies ass. Adds shitload of single player stuff: Added move speed multiplier Added game speed multiplier Conversion of jump packs to jet packs for flying Friendly fire because why not
16. Nov 2017
Coltonon Hack 7.2

Coltonon Hack 7.2

Removed some shit, and fixed a crash. Show/Hide menu, up/down arrows to navigate menu, left/right arrows to value. Aimbot controls are listed above. Use the Key at the end of round to flush out the programs old data, flags, ammos, and ragebot settings. Run in windowed borderless mode, minimum vertical
29. Jul 2017
Coltonon Hack 7.1

Coltonon Hack 7.1

Motion Detector Flags Hero Aimbot Fixes Higher Resolution Support Auto Check for Updates No Recoil No Spread Performance Increases New Program.CS menu/instructions with logs Fixed Several Colors ILMerged into a single execuitable NumericUpDown Boxes on Damage Multiplier and Rate of Fire
19. Jul 2017
Coltonon Name Changer

Coltonon Name Changer

I updated the pointer to the latest one. If you're over twelve, this tool is not for you. Just changes your in game chat name. Used for advanced trolling.
29. Jun 2017
Coltonon Hack 7

Coltonon Hack 7

v 7 Motion Detector Flags Hero Aimbot Fixes Higher Resolution Support Auto Check for Updates No Recoil No Spread Performance Increases New Program.CS menu/instructions with logs Fixed Several Colors ILMerged into a single execuitable NumericUpDown Boxes on Damage Multiplier and Rate of Fire
23. Jun 2017
Cham Hack 2

Cham Hack 2

New version, with configurable colors. Fully tunable, turns on the killcam outlines around players.
15. Jun 2017
Coltonon Hack v6

Coltonon Hack v6

Features: New 3 point aimbot prediction Aim prediction against heros Fixed aim snapping bug Fixed soldier-to-vehicle aimbot (acutally works now...) New menu for adding users to ignore from aimbot/ autokill ragebot added key to refresh ammos table and the above list Overall performance tweaks and stuff
5. Mai 2017
Coltonon Hack v5.2d

Coltonon Hack v5.2d

Changenotes: Added Sniper mode: For when using dlt19x in first person mode, adjusts aimbot prediction for that. Ammo hacks: Multiple layers of the menu now, the second one is all ammo hacks. Use arrow keys to select ammo types that are yellow. To turn an ammo type yellow, you must equip the weapon first.
1. Feb 2017
Simple Scanpulse Hack (Chams ESP)

Simple Scanpulse Hack (Chams ESP)

Extremely minimalist esp, very unobtrusive. Highlights the enemies who are behind walls as red, visible enemies as blue, and teamates as yellow. Team vehicles will be yellow, and enemy vehicles will be red. Works in any resolution, and any display mode (fullscreen, borderless...) If you are looking
19. Jan 2017
Coltonon Hack v5.2c

Coltonon Hack v5.2c

Feature List: Damage Multiplier: 1/2/3/4/100 Enemy ESP Boxes Enemy Names Enemy Bones Enemy Health Enemy Snaplines Enemy Chams Team ESP Boxes Team Names Team Bones Team Health Team Snaplines Team Chams Enemy Vehicle Boxes Enemy Vehicle Chams Team Vehicle Boxes Team Vehicle Chams Available Turret Chams
19. Jan 2017