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lib2proc - the definitive OS X/macOS injector

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As usual start a terminal, cd to the directory containing the two files: lib2proc and lib2proc.dylib

Then from the terminal
sudo ./lib2proc [proc_id] [lib-dir] [flags] [params]

[proc_id]: process id of target
[lib-dir]: relative or absolute path of library to inject
[params]: flag parameters, see below

Available Flags:
--mono: treat as mono-framework library and execute a specific class method, specified in [params], upon binding/injecting, in the address space of the target. This is useful for things such as Unity3D hooking.

Flag Usage:
--mono namespace.class.method

namespace.class.method specifies the class method to execute upon binding.

sudo ./lib2proc 100 mods/mod.dll --mono Mod01.MyClass.Main - injecting a mono dll
sudo ./lib2proc 1023 lib.dylib - casual injection

Just type ./lib2proc to get this information in console.

Download lib2proc - the definitive OS X/macOS injector
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