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MapDump x64

  • Kategorie: Tools
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  • Hochgeladen von: KN4CK3R
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  • System: Windows
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MapDump x64
Author: IChooseYou
Release Date: 8/5/2014
Version: 0.1a
Architecture: x64
  1. MapDump64.dll (84 kb)
  2. MapDump64.pdb (1,355 kb)
  3. Test.dll (14 kb)
  4. Test.pdb (944 kb)

MapDump is one dll file utility which let's you dump PE files. The purpose is to create IDA friendly dumps. It gets around two common tricks, unlinking from PEB and erasing PE headers. Test.dll is included as a test case; from a new thread it will unlink and zero out the IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.

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