PHC PUBLIC V 2.5 D3D Hook Downloads › Warrock Kategorie: Warrock Entwickler: boknoy24 Hochgeladen von: KN4CK3R Hinzugefügt am: Mo 15. Dez 2008, 02:22 System: Windows Datei nicht verfügbar. Datei nicht verfügbar. Beschreibung Bei Problemen mit einem Hack hilftein Blick in die FAQ! To Use1. Make sure you have .Net 3.5 Installed2. At first start the \"PHCD3D.exe\"3. Wait until you see on the bottom of the injector \"waiting for Warrock.exe\".4. Now start the Warrock.5. To show the menu press the \"insert\"-key on your keyboard.6. In the PHC D3D There are 2 ways to activate/deactivate the hacks.7. You can use the arrow keys (up and down to choose the hack, left and right to activate/deactivate it)8. Or you use your mouse. (just click on the option)9. To remove the menu press the \"insert\"-key on your keyboard again. KNOWN BUGS**CRASHES IF XFIRE\'s INGAME CHAT FEATURE IS ACTIVEIf you get the Exit Code 91 Install .net 3.5