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VirusTotal Result: 28/45



-- Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1) Go in the APB install directory, then in \Binaries (where APB.exe is located)
2) Delete "Last_Sessions.bin" and "preferences.bin"
3) Create a new account for APB
4) Start APB.exe and on loading screen or at login, inject the "bypass.dll"
5) Once injected you should see a console window and as last line "Ready..."
6) You can now login with the _NEW_ account and wait until you see the message
"hwid successfully bypassed"
7) Close APB.exe (Exit game, _DO NOT_ enter any district yet)
8) Restart the game _WITHOUT_ injecting the dll, login, and join any distric you want.
Play and profit.

-- Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- You must follow the instruction's procedure EACH TIME you get hwid banned.
- The dll injection is only needed ONCE (by following the instructions). This means
that once you bypassed the ban, you won't need to inject it/reset the hwid until
you get banned again.


- You might need to replace your "fastprox.dll" located in Windows\SysWOW64\wbem with
the one provided in this folder (this is from windows 7 professional).

- This bypass has only been tested on Windows 7 Pro x64

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