- Offsets is now update to date
- Added menu bar
- Options button moved to menubar
- Added singleplayer launch
- Added multiplayer launch
- Added option to kill bf3 window
- Added 'Fix' system
- Added contact options
- Most of the setting moved to 'Options'
- The program now will automatically know what is your keys in bf3. (In the prev version you needed u set it)
- 'Options' now will be disable wehn the program is ON
- The options spell difference
- Program will pause now when you in the menu (ESC)
- Finally I changed the checkbox to white ;D
- In-chat function fixed !
- Mirror bugs fixed
- Delay removed
- Fixed mirror bug (Also the CPU bug)
- Now you can control the delay of the keys input, or in other words the lower 'Accuary delay' the better aim to the velocity.
- 'Apply' button now will be disable when you didn't changed somethong (Options window)
- Now you can control the precent of the health to bailout from the jet.
- Now the program will stop when you in-chat, and start again when you not in-chat.
- Program less flashy.
- Mirror bug fixed.
- Added a special system that not allow you use the program with the name 'Jet Velocity' or name with 'Jet' or 'Velocity',
It's for your own safe, and it will make it hard to get dected.
- Added also a 'system' that check if the program in the BF3's folder, if it is the program will not work.
- Added Throttle Up / Down to options.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Added Options system, now you can manage your keys.
- Added the option to choose if you want the program use Afterburner.
- Now the program can see if the BF3 window in focus. (Fixed few bugs)
- You can get the velocity / health of the vehicle or solider.
- You can disable the program when the Left Ctrl pressed, the program will enable when you release.
- You can make the window On-Top
- You also have the option to disable the program, when ESC pressed.
- X, Y and Z of the Vehicle Object. (thing is the rotation, not sure xD)
- You can see in program if you in vehicle or not ;D (also helps me to fix some bugs)
- The program now will save ur options (what you checked, and the velocity)
- Fixed the bug the I made, and now the program working pefrect.
- Now the program also have a better accuracy for speed.
- Mirror bugs fixed.
- Bitmap updated
- Little thing in-program fixed.
- Added bitmaps to tray system
- Added a better accuracy to the velocity.
- Added maintain control
- Released