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cZeuss's eX0T External

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Never Inject into Steam, Steamwebhelper, GameOverlayUI or CSGO!
Both versions can be started before and after the game launch!
For any help, just reply to this thread!

Start/Inject the cheat
goto [YourMainDrive]:\\Users\\Public then you will find a file named eX0T.CFG.ini
Change everything to your preferences and then press the reload key (Default key is f6)

Release Includes:
eX0T External CS:GO Cheat (.exe Version) [Undetected]
eX0T External/Internal CS:GO Cheat (.dll Version) [Undetected]

>> >> >> >> Features: << << << <<

Enabled: activates/deactivates the GlowESP feature completley
ToggleKey: toggles the GlowESP feature when pressed
GlowStyle: changes the appearence between the following modes: NORMAL, MATRIX, LEGIT
GlowEnemy: activates/deactivates the GlowESP for Enemy Players
GlowFriendly: activates/deactivates the GlowESP for Friendly Players
VisibilityCheck: switches between the Visible and InVisible color settings accordingly
HealthBasedColors: changes the players GlowESP color correspondingly to their health
BoxHitRegistration: shows a box around a player if hit (Requires GameRestart/MapChange)

Enabled: (TRUE/FALSE) activates/deactivates the TriggerBot feature completley
Key: activates the triggerbot when the specified key is held
ShootEnemy: (TRUE/FALSE) will shoot Enemy Players if the triggerbot is active
ShootFriendly: (TRUE/FALSE) will shoot Friendly Players if the triggerbot is active
IgnoreSpawnProtection: (TRUE/FALSE) will shoot even if a Player is protected by the spawn protection
UnScoped: (TRUE/FALSE) will shoot even if UnScoped
ShootGrenades: (TRUE/FALSE) will shoot even if a grenade is held
R8SecondaryFire: (TRUE/FALSE) will secondary fire mode for the r8 revolver
UseWeaponConfig: (TRUE/FALSE) will custom values from the weapon config
GlobalDelay: (0-1000) will delay a shoot for the specified time (will add to custom weapon config delays)
GlobalBurstLength: (0-100) will overshoot for the specified amount (will add to custom weapon config BurstLengths)

Enabled: (TRUE/FALSE) activates/deactivates the BunnyHop feature completley
ToggleKey: toggles the BunnyHop feature when pressed
JumpKey: will use the specified key to Jump InGame (May be Buggy)

Enabled: (TRUE/FALSE) activates/deactivates the Radar feature completley
ToggleKey: toggles the Radar feature when pressed

Enabled: (TRUE/FALSE) activates/deactivates the NoFlash feature completley
ToggleKey: toggles the NoFlash feature when pressed
MaxFlashAlpha: (0-100) specified amount will be the max amount you can be flashed (0 = NoFlash, 100 = FullFlash)

Download cZeuss's eX0T External
Doesn't work. Fix it please.
Quote from ALGFIS post
Doesnt work today. Fix it pls
It's working fine, using it right now..
Doesnt work today. Fix it pls
Doesn't work , but why?
kann mir wer helfen ich check dat net
cheat sollte broken sein, wegen dem csgo update
Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Entwickler: cZeuss

Never Inject into Steam, Steamwebhelper, GameOverlayUI or CSGO!
Both versions can be started before and after the game launch!
For any help, just reply to this thread!

Start/Inject the cheat
goto [YourMainDrive]:\Users\Public then you will find a file named eX0T.CFG.ini
Change everything to your preferences and then press the reload key (Default key is f6)

>> >> >> >> Features: << << << <<

Enabled: activates/deactivates the GlowESP feature completley
ToggleKey: toggles the GlowESP feature when pressed
GlowStyle: changes the appearence between the following modes: NORMAL, MATRIX, LEGIT
GlowEnemy: activates/deactivates the GlowESP for Enemy Players
GlowFriendly: activates/deactivates the GlowESP for Friendly Players
VisibilityCheck: switches between the Visible and InVisible color settings accordingly
HealthBasedColors: changes the players GlowESP color correspondingly to their health
BoxHitRegistration: shows a box around a player if hit (Requires GameRestart/MapChange)

Enabled: (TRUE/FALSE) activates/deactivates the TriggerBot feature completley
Key: activates the triggerbot when the specified key is held
ShootEnemy: (TRUE/FALSE) will shoot Enemy Players if the triggerbot is active
ShootFriendly: (TRUE/FALSE) will shoot Friendly Players if the triggerbot is active
IgnoreSpawnProtection: (TRUE/FALSE) will shoot even if a Player is protected by the spawn protection
UnScoped: (TRUE/FALSE) will shoot even if UnScoped
ShootGrenades: (TRUE/FALSE) will shoot even if a grenade is held
R8SecondaryFire: (TRUE/FALSE) will secondary fire mode for the r8 revolver
UseWeaponConfig: (TRUE/FALSE) will custom values from the weapon config
GlobalDelay: (0-1000) will delay a shoot for the specified time (will add to custom weapon config delays)
GlobalBurstLength: (0-100) will overshoot for the specified amount (will add to custom weapon config BurstLengths)

Enabled: (TRUE/FALSE) activates/deactivates the BunnyHop feature completley
ToggleKey: toggles the BunnyHop feature when pressed
JumpKey: will use the specified key to Jump InGame (May be Buggy)

Enabled: (TRUE/FALSE) activates/deactivates the Radar feature completley
ToggleKey: toggles the Radar feature when pressed

Enabled: (TRUE/FALSE) activates/deactivates the NoFlash feature completley
ToggleKey: toggles the NoFlash feature when pressed
MaxFlashAlpha: (0-100) specified amount will be the max amount you can be flashed (0 = NoFlash, 100 = FullFlash)


cZeuss's eX0T External/Internal CS:GO Cheat
it's not working... i make the config and still dosen't work.. can u help me?
can you help me with the hotkeys to the cheat?