DC Universe Online Hack v1.2 For Version
F5 - No Cool Down
F6 - Use Powers Without Power
F7 - Right Click Spam
F8 - Right Hold Spam
F10 - Disable & exit the hack
hf, UmmBop.
OP7 Update = Hack update^^ This time only for Vista&7 and when i have time i will make it for XP, too. Only for FIAA!!! Dont post the hack anywhere else! i will catch you and kill your site Test this hack and give me your results ... thanks Credits: Solify - Base Hans221 - Epic Menu s0beit - GenerateShader
I decided to release my DLL Injector here... Made in Vb6 so this will work on a system that don't have .Net Framework Installed. I've used customized controls to get rid of some dependencies on Windows Vista and Windows 7 Systems. This will also extract some require files on your system while loading...
1. Steam Starten
2. Steam-Spammer V1.0 by Oblivion291, Starten
3. Text eingeben und drücken.
4. Opfer zusapammen :)
Wir nicht erkannt / für immmmmmer Undetected !
PS: Danke für über 6.000 meiner B-Hop Hacks in OHS.
Enjoy, Oblivion291
New Updated KOS Hack Version 4.0 K.o.S. (PH) Public Release (Version 3.0) With Menu (DETECTED) Working OS: Windows XP/7 Requirements: MS Redistributable Visual C++ 2008 Features: Crosshair, Player Cham, Wireframe, Asus Wallhack & Xray Note: Use your own Injector: Instructions: 1. Inject the dll file.
OldSchoolHack - BP - Half-Life 2 DM - RC2 by KN4CK3R 0. injector and dll must have the SAME name (osh.exe, osh.dll or whatever) 1. start HL2DM 2. start injector 3. read the infos in the HL2DM console 4. play FAQ: If the game crashes for you, try to use the windowmode. You only can move the GUI mouse
OldSchoolHack - BP - Half-Life 2 DM - RC1 by KN4CK3R 0. injector and dll must have the SAME name (osh.exe, osh.dll or whatever) 1. HL2DM 2. start injector 3. read the infos in the HL2DM console 4. play FAQ: If the game crashes for you, try to use the windowmode. You can move the GUI if you are ingame.
features:front chams (8) back chams (8) stealth chams nametags (2) infinite ammo no clip semi-fullbright d3d crosshair (8) time fps save load infinite energy (auto) usage:run Crysis2Demo wait until intro ends or skip it (+g_skipIntro=0) inject the hack (if uc-forum.com opens it means injected successfully)