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APB Fps fix

icon APB Fps fix #1

Join Date: Aug 2007

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When you've downloaded the files, you just go to this folder: GamersFirst -> APB Reloaded -> APB Game -> Config.
When you're there you just replace your old files (with the same names as the ones you downloaded) and right click at all the new ones then press "properties" and after that press "write protection" (I dont know if its called like that, since i've got my Windows 7 at swedish). If you dont do that, then every time you start your APB it will be set to default.

Last thing! Always start APB here: GamersFirst -> APB Reloaded -> Binaries -> APB.exe. (Well I dont know if you HAVE to do that, but I haven't tried to start it normally).
Download APB Fps fix

