Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 8643
Kategorie: Battlefield 3 Entwickler: Mareek
Beschreibung: I know it´s an external overlay, but he has a PBSSBlocker, for the NoSpread feature. Instruction
- Enable Aero
- set BF3 in windowed mode
How to use
- 1. start BF3 in windowed mode
- 2. make sure if you load the hack, the window is not minimized
- 3. load the hack as Administrator
- 4. to navigate the menu, you must in spawn mode "ESC"
- 5. open the menu "INSERT" and set with "left mouse" your favorite settings
PB status: Undetected
- show/close "Insert"
- on/off "left mouse"
- movable menu "left mouse"
- 2D Box
- Name
- Vehicle
- Distance
- Health Percent
- Snapline
- Enemy only
- Visibility check
- NoRecoil
- NoSpread
- NoBreath
- NoGravity
- Double damage
- Instant shoot
- Time
- Crosshair
- 2D Radar
- Aimkey "E"
- Visibility check
- Aim at chest
- Headshot only
- Auto switch
- NoRecoil
- NoSpread
- Known Bug´s
- If you enter a vehicle, turn Weapon stuff off, sometimes BF3 will crash.
update 16.08.2014 - added Aimbot - added Instant shoot - added Double damage - fixed resoultion, now you can choose any resolution which you want. - fixed No Breath bug.

Download: BF3 External Multihack