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UnKnoWnHack v3.6.4 | #1 |
Join Date: Aug 2007 Posts: 8643 User-Rating: 199 positive
33 negative
Features: Clickable Menu Time and FPS added to Menu Autoaim + prediction Autoshoot Autoswitch - Don't have to lift the aimkey to switch targets AimKey Modification Aimbone Modification (Head or Chest) Aim Only Visible - Shoot only players that are not behind walls Aim Only Visible - Shoot only players that are not stealthed No Spread 2D Radar Player ESP (Name, Distance, Weapon, Health (Target + Vehicle), Stealth, Level) Box ESP Bone ESP Item ESP Friendly ESP Visible Check ESP Snap Lines ESP Enemy Proximity Warning ESP Explosive Proximity Warning ESP Statistics bar - Scoreboard information, kit, ping, XP to next level... ViewDistance Modification Draw Sky Modification Draw FPS Draw Undergrowth (grass) Draw Overgrowth (trees) Draw Trees (rest of them) Draw HUD Draw Sun Glare Draw Ground Console Console Key modification Remove game tags Show game FPS No Breathing Crosshair + IsVisible Support for WinAmp Media Player Save / Load buttons Clean terminating, ejectable DLL Hotkeys: To toggle the menu press the DELETE key. Use the mouse to navigate the menu. The default key for the aimbot is the SHIFT key, but can be toggled in the menu. The aimbot will aim at the closest target to the crosshair and will stay with that target while the hotkey is held down. To default key to toggle console is the TILDE key (~). The key can be switched via the menu. You can type commands such as "pb_getss" to take a punkbuster screenshot or "pb_sssave 1" to save a copy of all punkbuster screenshots taken by admins in your BFH/pb directory. Everything else can be toggled with the menu. How to use: Use an injector (Winject recommended) and inject UnKnoWnHack_v3.6.3.dll into BFHeroes.exe at the menu screen once the game loads. To check if the injection is successful, press the DELETE key, the default key to toggle the hack menu, and you will see the menu as well as the credits and the UC-Forum.com URL at the top of the game window once the menu is active. Credits: Freaky123, smoochy, and Winslow are the developers of UnKnoWnHack. Thanks to: - learn_more for his box ESP, d3dx fix and for undetected ActionBuffer, and neverending support... - Patrick, zoomgod for reversing - DrunkenCheetah for reclass - R4z8r for his aimbot example - danw8 for health bars example - Roverturbo for FPS and Time example - BamBamBoo for rotating 2DRadar example - WinAmp and s0beit for WinAmp Integration - ReUnion for XFire hooking method example - Unknownhacker for security and bypass assistance ![]() Download UnKnoWnHack v3.6.4 __________________ Hallo |
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