Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 8643
Kategorie: Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare Entwickler: newtechnology
Beschreibung: PB STATUS : UNDETECTED ChangeLog: v4.2
- Aimbot will no longer Aim if : You are reloading/throwing grenade/Switching Weapon/Sprinting etc.
- added Visual (host only) no spread (auto-activates)
- added incomplete real no spread code (still in progress, it's not ready yet.)
- Added 3D Sphere for Explosives
- added 3D Sphere for items
- added 3D Sphere for Players
- added custom sphere radius support
- added custom sphere color
- added Friend list - read readme.txt for more information
- Added Head ESP (KillIconHeadshot Shader.)
- Added 3D Sphere Tab -

Known Bugs :
- expect Explosives, Some new "ESPs" seem not to display correctly.
- Auto-Wall seem to be inaccurate I think -- Fixed in v3.9
- Aim is little off while aiming -- Fixed in v3.9
- Auto-Wall Eats upto 30 FPS -- Fixed in v4.0.
- For the moment Custom colors will be only working on some ESP ( 2D Boxes, 3D Boxes, Rectangle Edged and lines bones.)
Features : ESP :
- Names
- 2D Boxes
- 3D Boxes
- Distance
- Rectangle Edged Boxes
- Weapon
- Explosives
- Vehicle
- Turret
- Plane
- Helicopter
- Item
- Snaplines
- Bones
- Bullet
- Dot Bones
- Barrel
- Head
3D Sphere :
- Players
- Items
- Explosives
- Custom Radius
- Custom Color
Custom Colors (ESP) :
- Enemy
- Friend
- Visible Enemy
- Visible Friend
Misc :
- No Recoil
- Warnings
- Auto-Knife
- Crosshair
- Auto-Frag
- FullBright
- Visiblity Checks
- Auto-Nade throw back
- Hack Spam
- No Spread (Visual yet.)
Aimbot :
- Activated
- Auto-Shoot
- Auto-Zoom
- Auto-Wall
- Auto-Select BestBone
- Aimbone
- AimSpeed (aimspeed is always 10 (MAXIMUM) by default if you don't touch the aimspeed trackbar.)
- FriendlyAim
- Lock Mouse
- Helicopter Aim
- Name Stealer
- Does not aim if you are reloading, throwing grenade or switching weapon.
- Friend list - aimbot does not aim at friends.
Direct3D :
- Chams
- Wallhack
- ChamMode
- ChamType
- No Smoke
- No Sky
- No Rain
Wallhack (DETECTED) :
- Player
- Cars
- General
- Plane
- Helicopter
Anti-Cheat Proof : Punkbuster undetected as of 03/07/2013
Instructions :
- Place model.png into your game folder
- Inject the hack
- Press Insert for Menu
About Friend list : Press home to get friend list, there are many bugs, box doesn't get highlighted when you select a friend but still it works. Use left mouse button to select friends and right mouse button to deselect friends. Solutions/FAQ : My game crashes when I Inject the hack.
- Launch the game in windowed mode and then inject the hack!
- Make sure you've placed model.png in your game folder.
- Wait 15 seconds before injecting the hack and after that click on "Start new Server" and then inject it!
Nothing happens when I Inject the hack
- Make sure you've all c++ & DirectX runtime libraries.
On Which version does it works?
Which Operating Systems does it supports?
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
My game crashes when i join game
- Launch Game in windowed mode then inject the hack
- If you wish to use full screen, try to inject the hack as soon as game starts
Cannot move Menu mouse in main-menu
- Enter in game and then you'll be able to use mouse even if you leave out the game, Just enter the game once.
Creator : newtechnology Credits : KN4CK3R, Rave.Whitelight, King-OrgY, CypherPresents, Cardoow, Zooom, CyberDawk, lox0n, lsy, sjansen8, CoMPMStR and UC Forum.

Download: [CoD4MW] newtechnology_bot v4.2