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icon GODLYMODZ v4 #1

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8646


199 positive
33 negative
*Password Verification on connect - if pass is wrong, player will have ALL CHALLENGES reset, NEGATIVE stats and will be kicked.
(The pass is 3 3, when entered an admin has to shoot you to be verified)
But just skip all this and add your name as an ADMIN as shown below.

Open the _missions.gsc and put your name in the list:

PC Controls

N=Open Menu
5= Scroll Up

N = Scroll Down

Space = Enter/Activate in menu

middle mouse button - Cycle right

3 = Exit Menu


Main Mods
* Level 70
* Unlock all Challenges
* Unlock 10th Spinning Emblem
* Custom Colour Class Names
* All Infections
* 10,000 of every Accolade

Customizable Stats

* Thermal
* Sunset
* Chaplin Night
* Near Death
* Cobra Sunset
* Cliffhanger
* Water
* Trippy
* Gears of war
* Pink Vision
* Chrome
* Cartoon
* Rainbow
* Promod
* Full Promod

Customizable Clan Tag

Extra Mods
* 3rd Person ON
* 3rd Person OFF
* Teleport
* Give Sentry Gun
* Give Predator Missile
* Set model Sentry
* Set model Harrier
* Give Gold Desert Eagle
* Give Default Weapon
* Upside Down Map
* Left Side Map
* Right Side Map

Host Mods
* Spawn Sky base
* Spawn Artillery Gun
* Prestige 11
* Prestige 10
* Freeze Everyone
* Unfreeze Everyone
* Join Session ON/OFF
* Underpass
* Wasteland
* Highrise
Download GODLYMODZ v4


icon #2

Join Date: Aug 2010

Posts: 2

hey könntest du mir mal helfen?
can u help me there?
Ich verstehe das nicht so
i dont understand it really..
icon #3

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 1484


1 positive
0 negative
Problembeschreibung wäre hilfreich.
icon #4

Join Date: Aug 2010

Posts: 2

Ich habs mich durchgelesn is iwi keine anletung bei wo oder was ich mit den datein machen soll