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Super Hack MW3/TeknoMW3 | #1 |
Join Date: Aug 2007 Posts: 8643 User-Rating: 199 positive
33 negative
Kategorie: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Entwickler: MW2Player Beschreibung: this for TeknoMW3 only and no it won't work on IW5M you will be banned! Features : Bones ESP (Dot based) Names ESP Distance ESP Weapons ESP (Shaders/String if Shader is NULL) Items ESP (Shaders/String if Shader is NULL) Explosvies ESP (^^^) 2D Boxes (ChopperBoxes) 3D Boxes XUID ESP GUID Chart (prints all client's GUID) WayPoints ESP (thanks to BaberZz) Engine Names (calls an Engine Function which draws Name Tags) SnapLines Head Shader Bones ESP (Line-Based) Clients Info (Is enemy/friend Zooming/Attacking) Helicopter ESP (Shaders) Turret ESP (Shaders) Vehicle ESP Plane ESP Body Model ESP IsEnemy AimAt you ESP Rectangle ESP (lol buggy, esp's flies at sky) Enemy Warnings (Enemy is near to you omg run!) Asus wallhax (for nabs) Chams (Super shitty chams, this is worst because that time I started to learn d3d) Mono Walls (Thanks to Rawr Im a tiger) No Recoil No-Fog FullBright Lasers Advanced UAV Crosshair Visibility Checks Randomise XUID Randomise XNAaddress Randomise SteamID Reset Default Classes No Name End Round Thermal Overlay Auto-C4 Auto-Knife Engine Radar No Spread (Real one, no need of localhost) Randomise Name //Removed for release client Crasher//Removed for release Spoof Admins//Removed for release Spam messages Aimbot (Super Lighting fast aimbot) friendly-Aim Auto-Zoom Auto-Wall Name Stealer Silent-Shoot Siilent-Aimbot Prediction AimBone (where should aimbot aim at which bone?) BestBone/HitScan (Auto-Selects the Best part of the body to shoot) -Friendly ESP Tab- Friendly-Waypoints Friendly-3D Boxes Engine Names Clients Info Credits : -InSaNe- , me , Master131 , Kenshin13 , godly , Sfab1 , CypberPresents , Cardoow , King-OrgY , LineMaker , rawr im a tiger , CoDMaster , BaberZz , Alexak92 , barata and many more but I don't remember. Download: [CoDMW3] Super Hack MW3/TeknoMW3 __________________ Hallo |
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