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[MW3] Tools [Update 07.02.2012]

icon [MW3] Tools [Update 07.02.2012] #1

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

Hey Leute,
Hier sind ein paar nützliche Tools für mw3 die mir zugesendet wurden.

1. ItsMods XP Boost Patch V1.2
Wie der name schon sagt könnt ihr mit diesem Tool (Only Host) einen XP Boost Server aufmachen.

A tool that enables your copy of MW3 to get a huge XP boost when your host
This is no (memory/inject) hack, it will not get you banned AFAIK
You can change the dvars in vars.txt


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TEXT Code:
  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.Linq;
  4. using System.Text;
  5. using System.Threading;
  6. using Microsoft.Win32;
  7. using System.IO;
  9. namespace ItsModsXPHack
  10. {
  11. class Program
  12. {
  13. static void Main(string[] args)
  14. {
  15. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
  16. Console.WriteLine(@" _____ _ __ __ _
  17. |_ _| | | \/ | | |
  18. | | | |_ ___ | \ / | ___ __| |___
  19. | | | __/ __| | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` / __|
  20. _| |_| |_\__ \ | | | | (_) | (_| \__ \
  21. |_____|\__|___/ |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/
  23. ");
  24. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  25. Console.Title = "ItsMods XP Hack V1.2";
  26. Console.WriteLine("Version 1.2 || By JariZ.nl");
  28. string cpuraw = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE");
  29. cpu = 0;
  30. if (cpuraw == "x86") cpu = 32;
  31. else if (cpuraw == "AMD64") cpu = 64;
  32. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  33. Console.WriteLine("We're running on a x" + cpu + " CPU\
  34. ");
  35. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  37. //Console.WriteLine("JariZ.nl | ItsMods.com\
  38. ");
  39. Console.WriteLine("-------------- ItsMods.com ----------------");
  40. Console.Write("Looking for steam path... ");
  41. if (read() && steam != null)
  42. {
  43. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  44. Console.WriteLine("DONE");
  45. //freeze();
  46. }
  47. else {
  48. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  49. Console.WriteLine("FAILED");
  50. freeze();
  51. }
  52. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  54. Console.Write("Looking for config file... ");
  55. var pad1 = steam + "\\steamapps\\common\\call of duty black ops\\players\\config_mp.cfg";
  56. //var pad1 = steam + "\\steamapps\\common\\call of duty modern warfare 3\\players2\\config_mp.cfg";
  57. //var pad2 = steam + "\\steamapps\\common\\call of duty black ops\\players\\";
  58. if (!File.Exists(pad1))
  59. {
  60. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  61. Console.WriteLine("FAILED");
  62. freeze();
  63. }
  64. else
  65. {
  66. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  67. Console.WriteLine("DONE");
  68. //freeze();
  69. }
  70. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  71. var inhoud = "";
  72. Console.Write("Reading content... ");
  73. try
  74. {
  75. inhoud = File.ReadAllText(pad1);
  76. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  77. Console.WriteLine("DONE");
  78. }
  79. catch
  80. {
  82. //freeze();
  83. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  84. Console.WriteLine("FAILED");
  85. freeze();
  86. }
  87. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  89. var inhoud2 = "";
  90. Console.Write("Reading new content... ");
  91. try
  92. {
  93. inhoud2 = File.ReadAllText("vars.txt");
  94. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  95. Console.WriteLine("DONE");
  96. }
  97. catch
  98. {
  100. //freeze();
  101. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  102. Console.WriteLine("FAILED");
  103. freeze();
  104. }
  105. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  107. Console.Write("Applying dvars... ");
  108. string a = "";
  109. a += inhoud;
  110. a += inhoud2;
  112. try
  113. {
  115. File.WriteAllText(pad1, a);
  116. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  117. Console.WriteLine("DONE");
  118. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  119. Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------");
  120. Console.WriteLine("\
  121. The dvars have been applied");
  122. freeze();
  123. }
  124. catch
  125. {
  126. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  127. Console.WriteLine("FAILED");
  128. freeze();
  129. }
  130. }
  132. static void freeze() { Thread.Sleep(-1); }
  133. static int cpu = 0;
  134. static string steam = null;
  135. static bool read()
  136. {
  137. RegistryKey k = Registry.LocalMachine;
  138. string x = "";
  139. if (cpu == 64) x = "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Valve\\Steam";
  140. else x = "SOFTWARE\\Valve\\Steam";
  142. RegistryKey a = k.OpenSubKey(x);
  143. if (a == null) return false;
  144. else { try { steam = (string)a.GetValue("InstallPath"); return true; } catch { return false; } }
  145. }
  146. }
  147. }

2. Token Hack + 15 Klassen (Waffenklassen)

Dieses Kleine Tool gibt euch Prestige Token und 15 Waffenklassen.


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3. IP Connector

IP Connector ist ein einfaches Tool um auf einen mw3 Server zu Joinen.


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icon #2

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220


Wtf: Tool that allows you to modify your barrack stats
Design: aka Barracks
Version: 1.2
VAC: Undetected
Virus-Free: scan links at end of thread
Credits: G-Man

Also, if someone needs them, I attached offset addresses at a spoiler with notes.


Virus Total


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icon #3

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

Mw3 unlocker
#All pro perks
#Prestige Hack
#Level hack
#All guns Level 31 (You need to use the gun once (Even if its only in private))
#About 98% of all titles and emblems
#All accolades (Only adds one of each)
#Token hack
#Add custom classes


To use the unlocker:
Run MW3 and go to barracks
Run the unlocker and change the stuff you want
Play some games for everything to save

Don't RUN hax after online play, close hax BEFORE play and you should safe.
Use at your own risk like all hax...

-Jey (for the gui)
-lolbie (for main part)
-cookie (Token hack)
-jordi.kroon (for testing some things)

Virus scan:Only registered and activated users can see links.
If you got some problem close firewall 5 min before unrar


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icon #4

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

Für alle die ein paar Infos über ihren oder andere Server haben möchte hier ein schönes Tool.


Name: mw3serverinfo
Build: 0.52
Author: CyboPat
Info: Utility to show info from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 server
Email: cybopat[at]seznam.cz

- When you have trouble with registering mswinsck.ocx, run mw3serverinfo.exe as Administrator.
- Right mouse on mw3serverinfo.exe and select Run as Administrator from menu.
- Port is NOT gameport, but net_masterServerPort. Default: 27016

Release history:
- 0.52 * first release


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icon #5

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

Hey Leute,
viele von euch kennen MW2SA heute will ich euch MW3SA ans Herz Legen.
Für alle die nicht wissen was MW3SA ist, mit MW3SA könnt ihr als Host (nur Host) die Leute von eurer Lobby kicken/bannen und somit lästige Hacker und Noobs Bannen.



Zum Benutzen.

1. Öffne vcredist_x86.exe
2. Öffne und istaliere WinPcap_4_1_2.exe
3. Start MW3SA.exe
4. Wähle deinen Netzwerk Adapter aus.
5. Gehe auf diese Internetseite Only registered and activated users can see links.


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icon #6

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

FOV Fixer by Agent Rev

AgentRev has made a program that allows you to adjust your FOV while playing MW3 live online. Here is a screenshot of it in action:


You can change your FOV to some crazy settings - up to 190. I would advise against going over 90 as the viewsleeves models (the models that you see of your avatar arms holding your gun) have a limit to them, and going over 90 causes some clipping issues.


Well, this is debatable and it could do, but I highly doubt it. VAC does not monitor all memory addresses, as the program widescreenfixer proves - it has been manipulating memory in games for COD since MW2 and has never triggered a VAC ban for anyone. This program works in the same was as that, so I don't see it doing it either. VAC does not ban for all memory changes - only those which it "thinks" are cheat-making.


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icon #7

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

MW3 Dedicated server addon
At last the long-awaited server fix is finally here!

Notes before downloading/reading:
Some anti-viruses detect this as a virus, but it is known as a false-positive
All bugs should be posted in this thread or sent to me by PM only (see bottom of post)

- Features -

- Console log
Most information is now stored in logs, to fix more of IW's errors!
*It is known information in the logs (ex. kills) are missing and will be addressed in an update.

- All Dvars & Cvars unlocked
Tweak any value now without limits to your preference!

- Custom commands
Four commands were added: cmdlist, dvarlist, sv_exec, and sv_reload.
View avaliable commands with cmdlist and now all of the cvars/dvars with dvarlist, to help customize your server.

sv_exec: acts just as good old exec!
*Note: configuration files must be located in the admin folder.

sv_reload: reload server configuration (sv_config.ini)

- Re-size console window
You no longer have to bare with the tiny console window, pick your size!

- CPU/Bandwidth error? No problem!
YOU have the choice to remove this now.
*Note: various tests have not seen server lag issues

- Timed messages
YOU have the choice to remove this now.
*Note: various tests have not seen server lag issues

- Server scripts
Control mini-mods and options automatically!
*See example.script for more information

- Control if your server is ranked!
Just set the configuration to your liking [ranked/unranked]

.:Soon-to-come features:.
- Plugins!
Create, share, and customize plugins to control and customize your server to the next level! *Only one plugin is provided for now, once the API is finished, create all you want!
[Sneak peak of just one possibility]
[Sneak peak of just another possibility]

- A more detailed server log including: kills/deaths, match information, and other various details.


Finally, the actual download:

All files & folders go inside the main server directory.

1. Download & extract .zip
2. Place in server's root foler
3. Customize configuration [See sv_config.ini in the addon folder]
4. Run iw5mp_addon.exe
5. Done

By using my program you agree to keep the credits intact and display them where needed.
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*Notice: The unlimited ammo plugin comes along in the plugins folder.

When submitting a bug you must follow (most of) these guide lines:
With what? (log/crash/ingame/etc)
Do you know how to reproduce it?
How many times has this happened?
(Any other information below)
With an exception/crash:
Upload the MDUMP file in the addon's directory and post the console logs (console.log/data.log).

Nukem [Creator]
agri [Module functions]
R4z8r [Address functions]
CoMPMStR [Command information]

-- Change log --
12-24-2011: V1.01: EXCEPTION 0x40010006 fix | sv_config.ini: new option

12-23-2011: V1: Initial release



icon #8

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220


Change your server settings easily



Change MW3 server settings
Change Addon server settings
Edit timed messages
Create new config files
Edit playermanager RCON settings

How to install
Just place the file where MW3 lives:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 3
or C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 3

How to use it
Doubleclick serverconfigurator.exe

It gives a file not found error
If you're sure you placed the configurator in the right location, just click create > and choose your config file
else, make sure it is in your server root




icon #9

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

Key Info: - MW3 ChromatiX (Texture Hack with Auto-Installer and Additional Features)

Game Version: All - NOT Patchable unless game is "core changed"

VAC Status: Not bannable
- The Valve Anti-Cheat system is enabled for servers displaying the Secured shield logo. Using custom skins, sounds or maps and playing multi-player mods which do not modify core .EXE and .DLL files will not result in a VAC ban (no matter what the SIZE OF THE IWI FILES ARE as long as game accepts them as valid)

Additional Information:
Release Notes:
New and upgraded version of MW3 ChromatiX 1.0 is finaly here and it aims to be the most wide range texture hack deployed by THT with over 18,000 modified images.
Thanks to your bug reports, critics and comments, good and bad, all bugs from v1.0 have been fixed and more new features are to be represented.

MW3 ChromatiX is multi-functional Infinity Ward Image installer featuring over 18,000 modified texture files AKA "texture hack" which makes it one of the most extensive texture hacks released to date. Texture hack will improve visibility by removing color of 2D objects making them invisible (foliage for e.g.) it also reduces your reaction time due to colored models.

- Colored players (choose between the colors: Blue, Cyan, Green, Purple, Pink, Yellow and Red)
- Colored Snipers (chose between the colors: Cyan, Flashy Green, Purple, Pink and Yellow)
- Colored explosives/sentry gun (choose between the colors: Green, Purple and Yellow)
- Reduced/removed foliage ( This feature removes the bushes, high grass, leafs and other stuff
- No HudBlood (removes the blood splatters when being shot at, it also removes some other visual clutter)
- Backup/Restore (Backup and restore your IWD archives easily and safely removing the risk of "Image corrupt" and "Files different from server" errors)
- Importer (import iwi files with ease, importer will auto-sort and import images in appropriate IWD archives.)
- Colored Weapons (user can chose between 7 different colors: Red, Blue, Cyan, Flashy Green, Purple, Pink and Yellow)
- Transparent Riot (makes riot glass fully transparent for better visibility)
- Clear Scopes (makes normal scope overlay wider and more precise and thermal scope fullscreen, clear and precise)
- Golden Desert Eagle (as it was in CoD4 thanks to @iPaddie for idea)
- Gold Camo Replacement (replaces gold camo with beautifull shades of Emerald, Ice, Violet or Chrome glossy colors... inspiration @iPaddie
- Mono Chromatic Ambient (option to chose from 2 different textures (black/grey)which will be applied on almost every game object apart from player models, explosives and weapons. Mono chromatic ambient will improve visibility and reduce reaction time. Furthermore, it will improve work of color aimbot. (If you use one))
- MonoSurface (makes all surfaces in game nice and glossy, improves performance as game engine does not have to render all the cracks and shit in walls, weapons, models, etc ...)

Update Notes:
<Version 2.0/2.1 - 2nd public release - Update to version 1.0>
#BUG Fixes:
- Fixed Backup/Restore bug (one of the bakup files was not restored properly)
- Fixed "Files different from server" error (enemies purple models were not matching CRC32)
- Fixed "Bouncing Betty" colored model (it was not colored at all)
- Fixed admin, path and other errors caused by running aplication under SandBoxie @master131
- Fixed false positive virus scans

#Core changes/updates:
- No HUD Blood and Transparent foliage are now separated options in new installer (as it was in original Archangels hack ... as @kill3r00requested and seemd more logic)
- Removed all "golden" weapons (as they were not exactly golden due to game light ambient)
- Removed RedStriped textures from MonoChromatic module( only daltonist would play with this anyway... it has now been replaced with nice grey)
- Changed the installer UI (in order to make it more user friendly)
- Removed "Donate" feature (like anybody appreciates my work that much anyway ...)
- Reduced foliage (removed more green shit)
- No HUD/Blood/Dirt (removed more of that as well)
- Over ~ 5000 new images modified
- .NET framework lowered from 4.0 to 2.0 (as some guys still haven't updated -.-)
- Steam is not necessary anymore (but if installed application will check if you have MW3 installed over it, otherwise it will just ask you for MW3 path)
- ... + some more things not worth to write about

#New features:
- MonoChromatic - Grey (replaces all (96%) of all textures with grey color making it easy to spot an enemy or make your colo aimbot works nicer... or just for fun)
- MonoSurface (makes all surfaces in game nice and glossy, improves performance as game engine does not have to render all the cracks and shit in walls, weapons, models, etc ...)
- Colored Weapons (user can chose between 7 different colors: Red, Blue, Cyan, Flashy Green, Purple, Pink and Yellow)
- Transparent Riot (makes riot glass fully transparent for better visibility)
- Clear Scopes (makes normal scope overlay wider and more precise and thermal scope fullscreen, clear and precise)
- Golden Desert Eagle (as it was in CoD4 thanks to @iPaddie for idea)
- Gold Camo Replacement (replaces gold camo with beautifull shades of Emerald, Ice, Violet or Chrome glossy colors... inspiration @iPaddie

<Version 1.0 - Initial release - Update to Archangels Texture Hack>
#Bug Fixes:
- Fixed "Files different from server" error (allies cyan models were not matching CRC32)

#Core changes/updates:
- Introduced New installer (although the old one was neat and fast coded by [MENTION=539054]master131[/MENTION])

#New features:
- Mono Chromatic Ambient (option to chose from 2 different textures (black/red striped)which will be applied on almost every game object apart from player models, explosives and weapons. Mono chromatic ambient will improve visibility and reduce reaction time. Furthermore, it will improve work of color aimbot. (If you use one)
- Golden Weapons (gives golden reflection if specular map is turned on. This may not be satisfying on some weapons but it works decent on most of them)
- Backup/Restore (Backup and restore your IWD archives easily and safely removing the risk of "Image corrupt" and "Files different from server" errors)
- Importer (import iwi files with ease, importer will auto-sort and import images in appropriate IWD archives.)

How to use
1. Download and extract the attachment at the bottom of this post.
2. Run MW3 ChromatiX.exe.
3. It should auto-detect your MW3 game path, if not, it will ask you to point to it.
4. Choose which colours you want for each team and for explosives and snipers, etc....
5. Choose whether to have reduced foliage, no blood HUD, scopes, monochromatic, etc ....
6. Create a backup, you should do this just in-case you want to uninstall the hack. Click on Backup button and wait till its finished. Be patient, don't close the window. To restore a backup, click on Restore. Restoring is very fast but the downside it that you will have to make a backup again.
7. Click on Install and wait for it to install. As written above, it should take around 5-10 minutes to install. It may depend on how fast your computer is.

.NET Framework 2.0

Author of this tool and modifications in not responsible for any damage (material, physical, or any other) caused by usage of this tool and modifications. All files presented are created by author and protected by Copyright law and may not be modified, hosted on any other server without authors permission, encroached upon as someone elses. Copyright notice can be found as label on executable file and in its description.

Future Dev Plans:
- Multilinguae
- More Colors to chose from
- More Scopes
- Extra texture pack inluded (scopes, camos, textures)




Golden Deagles

Violet - Golden Replacement

Ice - Golden Replacement

Wide Normal Scope

Full Screen Thermal

Transparent Riot

Mono Surface + Mono Chromatic

Singleplayer Gameplay

If you like this hack please donate @ Donations

Original Download Info
File size: 8254731 bytes
Filetype: RAR archive data, v1d, os: Win32
MD5: 6ee94ef258d4e32a84ceeb9d8a5ddba7
SHA1: c9806f4b979a2a5813c14e5ad98981e3252087d9

@House - Coding and Texture Modifying
@[MPGH]Archangel - Texture Modifying & Inspiration
@SuperNovaAO - CRCFixer used
@0rbit - Batch IWIFixer used
@nomercy12345 - providing MW3 account & beta testing
@ihaxyou - providing MW3 account
@iPaddie - Inspiration

Someone go tell guys at Craig87 private forums that they don't have to be sponged off for £5 every time they want to use texture hack

Virus Scans
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icon #10

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

Barata's Mw3 D3D Ingame Trainer 5+
Hello guys, this time is to release my new trainer for Mw3.

This Trainer has:

1 - Unl. Ammo
2 - Unl. Explosive
3 - Unl. Health
4 - Rapid Fire
5 - No Recoil

*Best of all, has a cool, but simple, ingame menu!




In Game Menu:





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The scans shows FALSE - POSITIVE, no virus on it!


@aosma8 - alot of help including D3D menu.
@Nukem - Fixed alot of shit i done.
@jariz - minor help.
@Pozzuh - minor help.
@D3nnis - Design Help and Some Code.
Qmoainx for base menu( @Nukem Fixed it )

Thats all,

Thanks Barata...


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icon #11

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

Ingame RCON tool [Version 0.6.0]
Hey guys,
A few days ago I started coding a plugin for the MW3 server addon by Nukem (check the correct thread for more info) and am posting it here. This is my first plugin and very much a work in progress, so if you encounter any bugs or have any feature requests, please let me know.

If you encounter any bugs, please tell me what triggered it and if it always happens. Any 'Stupid plugin no work' posts will be ignored if they dont contain any proper info.
Bugs can also be reported on
That thread also contains a mirror to the most up to date plugin

Current version: 0.6.0 BETA

Current features:
-Kick by clientname or number
-Ban by clientname or number
-Yell (Say somethin on a players HUD)
-Playerinfo, Displays clientID, XUID, number of warnings, and name
-Basic permissions support
-Fast restart
-Warn and unwarn
-Kick on set warnings number
-Remember warnings on player disconnect
-Xuid command accesible for every user
-Addadmin command ingame
-Warning abbreviations, i.e. !warn player l will result in Bad Language
-Language filter
-Rcon command (i.e !rcon map mp_dome) (iAegle's idea )
-Tempban (currently uses the sv_kickbantime parameter in the config file, not variable :/)
-Ping commands added
-PM Support
-Rules support (can be set up in sv_config using the variable pmRules true to pm the rules, false to broadcast to the server)
-Help command
-Define which commands are accesible to users
-Time to live for warnings (can be defined in sv_config using the variable warningTTL = time in hours)
-Reload configs on the fly (will ERASE all current warnings)
-Make players immune
-Customize your own commands
-Customize kick, ban, tempban and player connect messages

-Switch maplist
-Customizable warnings trigger (i.e You hacker! --> warned for whining about hacking)
(All custom map control features are on hold until i figure out a viable way to do it)

!help - Shows this list
!kick [Playername] (reason) - Kicks a player with optional reason
!ban [Playername] - Bans the player permanently
!banc [clientnumber] - Same as ban but with clientnumber
!kickc [clientnumber] (reason) - Kicks a player with optional reason
!tmpban [playername] (reason) - Tempban a player, ength is the time in sv_config.ini
!pm [Playername] [message] - Pm's the player with [message]
!ping (playername) - Displays the ping of (playername) or you is no playername is given
!maxping - Displays the player with the highest ping
!minping - Displays the player with the lowest ping
!pi [Playername] - Displays the players name, xuid, warnings, and clientnumber
!yell [Playername or all] [Message] - Displays message on the players hud
!warn [Playername] (reason) - Warns a player
!unwarn [Playername] (reason) - Removes a player's warning
!ver - Displays this plugin's version
!xuid - Displays your player XUID
!rcon [Command] - Executes [command] in the console
!resetconf - Resets the configuration to the defaults
!rel - Reloads all configs
!addadmin [Playername] - Adds player to the admin group
!addword [Word] (word) (word) etc. - Adds the word(s) to the language filter
!fastrestart - Quickly restart the map
!addimmune [Playername] - Makes the player immune to all kick, warn, of ban commands of this plugin
if permissions is used:
!addadmin (part of) playername

If language filter is used:
!addword [badword] [badword] etc.

Disabling permissions:
set usepermissions in sv_config.ini to false
Disabling language filter:
set uselangfilter in sv_config.ini to false
Setting the warnings until kick:
set kickwarnigns to the number you want
First time setup:
Add your own XUID and name to the admins file in the serveradmin folder
(format: [XUID] [Name])
run !resetconf
restart the server

Changelog per 31-01-2012:
Added immunity
Added command aliases
Added customizable commands
The commands that are availible to users are now reloaded with !rel as well
Added !addimmune command
Finally removed 'Warning triggered' debug output
Made it possible to tempban on a warnings kick

The permissions plugin is meant as a temporary solution until Pozzuh gets his to work properly on linux

Virusscan result [Version 0.6.0 BETA]:
MD5: 3a4476062776b2b99b3ff98bf6fe1a9d

External download: Only registered and activated users can see links.

Thanks to nukem for his AWESOME addon


icon #12

Join Date: Feb 2012

Posts: 3

Ich hab ne frage gibt es ein plugin wie man ein ranked server bei einem gemieteten server macht?
icon #13

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

@Haters-gonna-hate yep, this is BF3 ProMod, changed name and added few moar config tweaks + added MW3 part.

Spoiler (Click to Hide)
me want no insults & no spam in this thread. and no code-sharing either. stop constantly saying "do something better". if it is useless for you doesn't mean that it is useless for everyone
This tool improves your graphics using config tweaks and FXAA injector (BF3 case). Mostly it work depends on config tweaks that are being replaced. App uses auto-backup so do not worry if anything goes wrong. Report bugs please as I don't have my own testing group of like 25 people. Also do not complain much as it is only initial release + it was meant to be simple + it was done in 2 hours including lunch.












To install, run .exe and click on picture of cover of game you choose.
To delete, run.exe and click on DELETE button under the picture of cover of the game you choose.
Zip in attachment has dll, exe (shall not be separated) and readme.txt. Not NECESSARY to read it, but I advice you to do it.


@G-Man making app, major MW3 tweaks, minor BF3 tweaks
@danoc1 FXAA injector for BF3
@FrAnKiE major BF3 tweaks
@infinity7 minor MW3 tweaks, advice about FXAA for MW3


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icon #14

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

Modern Warfare 3 Ultimate Unlocker for 1.4.382 ( with almost everything )
well have fun?

Trainer Part ( With All Titles and emblems, level, prestige, pro perks, challenges and more )
Support Killstreak Changer ( speaks for itself )
Stat Changer ( speaks for itself )
Camo Changer ( speaks for itself )
Level weapons separably ( speaks for itself )
Unlimited UAV and more ( You can add a special thing on your secondary empty spot: for example 128 ( uav ) then you can call in uav whenever u want )
An address reader but you need to be in barracks to make it work

When you open camo changer or Support killstreak changer you need to press apply first before you do any changes ( to prevent crash )



MW3 Ultimate Trainer.rar - Jotti's malware scan


@Jorndel and @lolbie for coding this thing
Jimmys996 for testing, finding offsets
redkevin25 for the gui
@master131 for the reading function
its late so if I forgot you just tell me and I will add you , sorry


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icon #15

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

Ded Server Settings V1.1 UPDATED
I have ReCode my Ded Server CustomClass Editor and add a lots of more futures
its a complet new code so is there any bug pls report it Here

04.02.2012 : V1.1 Added Server.cfg Editor and MapCycle Editor
03.02.2012 : V1.0: Initial Release

See Images xD








Virus Total

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icon #16

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

___  ____    _  _____   _____ _                               _   ___   __  _____   _____
|  \/  | |  | ||____ | /  __ \ |                             | | (_) \ / / / __  \ / __  \
| .  . | |  | |    / / | /  \/ |__  _ __ ___  _ __ ___   __ _| |_ _ \ V /  `' / /' `' / /'
| |\/| | |/\| |    \ \ | |   | '_ \| '__/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/   \    / /     / /  
| |  | \  /\  /.___/ / | \__/\ | | | | | (_) | | | | | | (_| | |_| / /^\ \ ./ /____./ /___
\_|  |_/\/  \/ \____/   \____/_| |_|_|  \___/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_\/   \/ \_____(_)_____/

Key Info: - MW3 ChromatiX (Texture Hack with Auto-Installer and Additional Features)

Game Version: All - NOT Patchable unless game is "core changed"

VAC Status: Not bannable
- The Valve Anti-Cheat system is enabled for servers displaying the Secured shield logo. Using custom skins, sounds or maps and playing multi-player mods which do not modify core .EXE and .DLL files will not result in a VAC ban (no matter what the SIZE OF THE IWI FILES ARE as long as game accepts them as valid)

Additional Information:
Release Notes:
New and upgraded version of MW3 ChromatiX 1.0 is finaly here and it aims to be the most wide range texture hack deployed by THT with over 18,000 modified images.
Thanks to your bug reports, critics and comments, good and bad, all bugs from v1.0 have been fixed and more new features are to be represented.

MW3 ChromatiX is multi-functional Infinity Ward Image installer featuring over 18,000 modified texture files AKA "texture hack" which makes it one of the most extensive texture hacks released to date. Texture hack will improve visibility by removing color of 2D objects making them invisible (foliage for e.g.) it also reduces your reaction time due to colored models.

- Colored players (choose between the colors: Blue, Cyan, Green, Purple, Pink, Yellow and Red)
- Colored Snipers (chose  between the colors: Cyan, Flashy Green, Purple, Pink and Yellow)
- Colored explosives/sentry gun (choose between the colors: Green, Purple and Yellow)
- Colored Juggernauts (choose between the colors: Blue, Cyan, Green, Purple, Pink, Yellow and Red)
- Reduced/removed foliage ( This feature removes the bushes, high grass, leaves and other stuff
- Reduce Smoke FX (reduces smoke efects of various thingies)
- Remove Glass (removes glass textures from some of the models ingame)
- Remove Snowflakes (removes snowing effectes in Outpost map)
- No HudBlood (removes the blood splatters when being shot at, it also removes some other visual clutter)
- Backup/Restore (Backup and restore your IWD archives easily and safely removing the risk of "Image corrupt" and "Files different from server" errors)
- Importer (import iwi files with ease, importer will auto-sort and import images in appropriate IWD archives.)
- Colored Weapons (user can chose between 7 different colors: Red, Blue, Cyan, Flashy Green, Purple, Pink and Yellow)
- Transparent Riot (makes riot glass fully transparent for better visibility)
- Clear Scopes (makes normal scope overlay wider and more precise and thermal scope fullscreen, clear and precise)
- Golden Desert Eagle (as it was in CoD4 thanks to @ipaddie for idea)
- Gold Camo Replacement (replaces gold camo with beautifull shades of Emerald, Ice, Violet or Chrome glossy colors... inspiration @"ipaddie")
- Mono Chromatic Ambient (option to chose from 2 different textures (black/grey)which will be applied on almost every game object apart from player models, explosives and weapons. Mono chromatic ambient will improve visibility and reduce reaction time. Furthermore, it will improve work of color aimbot. (If you use one))
- MonoSurface (makes all surfaces in game nice and glossy, improves performance as game engine does not have to render all the cracks and shit in walls, weapons, models, etc ...)

Update Notes:
<Version 2.2 - 3rd public release - Update to version 2.1>  
#BUG Fixes:
- Fixed MonoChromatic Grey (grey trees, grey riot "damage" screen, grey fence (now transparent) ...)
- Fixed Sniper Player colored models (they were not fully colored)
- Fixed GIGN Player colored models (they were not fully colored)
- Fixed grey car window glass
- Fixed grey trees
- Fixed grey fence (its fully transparent now)
- Fixed riot damage screen (which was grey)
- Fixed Red Dot when used with monochromatic

#Core changes/updates:
 - Changed GUI to fit new features
- Recompailed in .NET 4.0 due to some requirements and compatibility issues
- Backup is now created automatically making backup/restore system fail proof
- "Restore" is now "Uninstall" to make eye simplified UI
- Reduced foliage (removed more green shit, chain link fences and various obsticles +350 new files added)
- Removed ChromatiX splash screen (as most of guys were complaining about it)

#New features:
- Reduce Smoke FX (reduces smoke efects of various thingies)
- Remove Glass (removes glass textures from some of the models ingame)
- Remove Snowflakes (removes snowing effectes in Outpost map)
- Juggernauts colored models

TEXT Code:
  1. [SIZE=3][B]<Version 2.0/2.1 - 2nd public release - Update to version 1.0> [/B][/SIZE]
  2. [B]#BUG Fixes:[/B]
  3. - Fixed Backup/Restore bug (one of the bakup files was not restored properly)
  4. - Fixed "Files different from server" error (enemies purple models were not matching CRC32)
  5. - Fixed "Bouncing Betty" colored model (it was not colored at all)
  6. - Fixed admin, path and other errors caused by running aplication under SandBoxie @master131
  7. - Fixed false positive virus scans
  10. [B] #Core changes/updates:[/B]
  11. - No HUD Blood and Transparent foliage are now separated options in new installer (as it was in original Archangels hack ... as @kill3r00requested and seemd more logic)
  12. - Removed all "golden" weapons (as they were not exactly golden due to game light ambient)
  13. - Removed RedStriped textures from MonoChromatic module( only daltonist would play with this anyway... it has now been replaced with nice grey)
  14. - Changed the installer UI (in order to make it more user friendly)
  15. - Removed "Donate" feature (like anybody appreciates my work that much anyway ...)
  16. - Reduced foliage (removed more green shit)
  17. - No HUD/Blood/Dirt (removed more of that as well)
  18. - Over ~ 5000 new images modified
  19. - .NET framework lowered from 4.0 to 2.0 (as some guys still haven't updated -.-)
  20. - Steam is not necessary anymore (but if installed application will check if you have MW3 installed over it, otherwise it will just ask you for MW3 path)
  21. - ... + some more things not worth to write about
  24. [B] #New features:[/B]
  25. [B] - MonoChromatic - Grey [/B](replaces all (96%) of all textures with grey color making it easy to spot an enemy or make your colo aimbot works nicer... or just for fun)
  26. [B] - MonoSurface [/B](makes all surfaces in game nice and glossy, improves performance as game engine does not have to render all the cracks and shit in walls, weapons, models, etc ...)
  27. [B] - Colored Weapons [/B](user can chose between 7 different colors: Red, Blue, Cyan, Flashy Green, Purple, Pink and Yellow)
  28. [B] - Transparent Riot [/B](makes riot glass fully transparent for better visibility)
  29. [B] - Clear Scopes [/B](makes normal scope overlay wider and more precise and thermal scope fullscreen, clear and precise)
  30. [B] - Golden Desert Eagle [/B](as it was in CoD4 thanks to @ipaddie for idea)
  31. [B] - Gold Camo Replacement [/B](replaces gold camo with beautifull shades of Emerald, Ice, Violet or Chrome glossy colors... inspiration @ipaddie
  34. [SIZE=3]
  35. [B]<Version 1.0 - Initial release - Update to Archangels Texture Hack>[/B][/SIZE]
  36. [B] #Bug Fixes:[/B]
  37. - Fixed "Files different from server" error (allies cyan models were not matching CRC32)
  39. [B] #Core changes/updates:[/B]
  40. - Introduced New installer (although the old one was neat and fast coded by [MENTION=539054]master131[/MENTION])
  42. [B] #New features:[/B]
  43. - Mono Chromatic Ambient (option to chose from 2 different textures (black/red striped)which will be applied on almost every game object apart from player models, explosives and weapons. Mono chromatic ambient will improve visibility and reduce reaction time. Furthermore, it will improve work of color aimbot. (If you use one)
  44. - Golden Weapons (gives golden reflection if specular map is turned on. This may not be satisfying on some weapons but it works decent on most of them)
  45. - Backup/Restore (Backup and restore your IWD archives easily and safely removing the risk of "Image corrupt" and "Files different from server" errors)
  46. - Importer (import iwi files with ease, importer will auto-sort and import images in appropriate IWD archives.)

How to use
1. Download and extract the attachment at the bottom of this post.
2. Run MW3 ChromatiX.exe.
3. It should auto-detect your MW3 game path, if not, it will ask you to point to it.
4. Choose which colours you want for each team and for explosives and snipers, etc....
5. Choose whether to have reduced foliage, no blood HUD, scopes, monochromatic, etc ....
6. Create a backup, you should do this just in-case you want to uninstall the hack. Click on Backup button and wait till its finished. Be patient, don't close the window. To restore a backup, click on Restore. Restoring is very fast but the downside it that you will have to make a backup again.
7. Click on Install and wait for it to install. As written above, it should take around 5-10 minutes to install. It may depend on how fast your computer is.

.NET Framework 4.0

Author of this tool and modifications in not responsible for any damage (material, physical, or any other) caused by usage of this tool and modifications. All files presented are created by author and protected by Copyright law and may not be modified, hosted on any other server without authors permission, encroached upon as someone elses. Copyright notice can be found as label on executable file and in its description.




Golden Deagles

Violet - Golden Replacement
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Ice - Golden Replacement

Wide Normal Scope
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Full Screen Thermal

Transparent Riot


Muliplayer Gameplay

Mono Surface + Mono Chromatic

Singleplayer Gameplay

If you like this hack please donate @ Only registered and activated users can see links.

Original Download Info

TEXT Code:
  2. SHA256: 9390cdd943d56b2c9cc8dc6c8cb6cd7af4eb080b334a0eadb28f54ef64750ada
  3. SHA1: dbffe7e890eeb135d5a11c837d1028fa9745d793
  4. MD5: bf7c2519757685d62af84cbb2dd174ad
  5. File size: 2.7 MB ( 2844571 bytes )
  6. File name: MW3ChromatiX.zip
  7. File type: ZIP

@House - Coding and Texture Modifying
@[MPGH]Archangel - Texture Modifying & Inspiration
@SuperNovaAO - CRCFixer used
@0rbit - Batch IWIFixer used
@gravzy - providing MW3 account & beta testing
@ipaddie - Inspiration

Virus Scans

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icon #17

Join Date: Aug 2011

Posts: 3

Quote from TreffNix
Hey Leute,
Hier sind ein paar nützliche Tools für mw3 die mir zugesendet wurden.

1. ItsMods XP Boost Patch V1.2
Wie der name schon sagt könnt ihr mit diesem Tool (Only Host) einen XP Boost Server aufmachen.

A tool that enables your copy of MW3 to get a huge XP boost when your host
This is no (memory/inject) hack, it will not get you banned AFAIK
You can change the dvars in vars.txt


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TEXT Code:
  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.Linq;
  4. using System.Text;
  5. using System.Threading;
  6. using Microsoft.Win32;
  7. using System.IO;
  9. namespace ItsModsXPHack
  10. {
  11. class Program
  12. {
  13. static void Main(string[] args)
  14. {
  15. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
  16. Console.WriteLine(@" _____ _ __ __ _
  17. |_ _| | | \/ | | |
  18. | | | |_ ___ | \ / | ___ __| |___
  19. | | | __/ __| | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` / __|
  20. _| |_| |_\__ \ | | | | (_) | (_| \__ \
  21. |_____|\__|___/ |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/
  23. ");
  24. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  25. Console.Title = "ItsMods XP Hack V1.2";
  26. Console.WriteLine("Version 1.2 || By JariZ.nl");
  28. string cpuraw = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE");
  29. cpu = 0;
  30. if (cpuraw == "x86") cpu = 32;
  31. else if (cpuraw == "AMD64") cpu = 64;
  32. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  33. Console.WriteLine("We're running on a x" + cpu + " CPU\
  34. ");
  35. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  37. //Console.WriteLine("JariZ.nl | ItsMods.com\
  38. ");
  39. Console.WriteLine("-------------- ItsMods.com ----------------");
  40. Console.Write("Looking for steam path... ");
  41. if (read() && steam != null)
  42. {
  43. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  44. Console.WriteLine("DONE");
  45. //freeze();
  46. }
  47. else {
  48. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  49. Console.WriteLine("FAILED");
  50. freeze();
  51. }
  52. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  54. Console.Write("Looking for config file... ");
  55. var pad1 = steam + "\\steamapps\\common\\call of duty black ops\\players\\config_mp.cfg";
  56. //var pad1 = steam + "\\steamapps\\common\\call of duty modern warfare 3\\players2\\config_mp.cfg";
  57. //var pad2 = steam + "\\steamapps\\common\\call of duty black ops\\players\\";
  58. if (!File.Exists(pad1))
  59. {
  60. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  61. Console.WriteLine("FAILED");
  62. freeze();
  63. }
  64. else
  65. {
  66. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  67. Console.WriteLine("DONE");
  68. //freeze();
  69. }
  70. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  71. var inhoud = "";
  72. Console.Write("Reading content... ");
  73. try
  74. {
  75. inhoud = File.ReadAllText(pad1);
  76. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  77. Console.WriteLine("DONE");
  78. }
  79. catch
  80. {
  82. //freeze();
  83. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  84. Console.WriteLine("FAILED");
  85. freeze();
  86. }
  87. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  89. var inhoud2 = "";
  90. Console.Write("Reading new content... ");
  91. try
  92. {
  93. inhoud2 = File.ReadAllText("vars.txt");
  94. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  95. Console.WriteLine("DONE");
  96. }
  97. catch
  98. {
  100. //freeze();
  101. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  102. Console.WriteLine("FAILED");
  103. freeze();
  104. }
  105. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  107. Console.Write("Applying dvars... ");
  108. string a = "";
  109. a += inhoud;
  110. a += inhoud2;
  112. try
  113. {
  115. File.WriteAllText(pad1, a);
  116. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  117. Console.WriteLine("DONE");
  118. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  119. Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------");
  120. Console.WriteLine("\
  121. The dvars have been applied");
  122. freeze();
  123. }
  124. catch
  125. {
  126. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  127. Console.WriteLine("FAILED");
  128. freeze();
  129. }
  130. }
  132. static void freeze() { Thread.Sleep(-1); }
  133. static int cpu = 0;
  134. static string steam = null;
  135. static bool read()
  136. {
  137. RegistryKey k = Registry.LocalMachine;
  138. string x = "";
  139. if (cpu == 64) x = "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Valve\\Steam";
  140. else x = "SOFTWARE\\Valve\\Steam";
  142. RegistryKey a = k.OpenSubKey(x);
  143. if (a == null) return false;
  144. else { try { steam = (string)a.GetValue("InstallPath"); return true; } catch { return false; } }
  145. }
  146. }
  147. }

2. Token Hack + 15 Klassen (Waffenklassen)

Dieses Kleine Tool gibt euch Prestige Token und 15 Waffenklassen.


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3. IP Connector

IP Connector ist ein einfaches Tool um auf einen mw3 Server zu Joinen.


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