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VMT Hook Csgo

icon VMT Hook Csgo #1

Join Date: Feb 2016

Posts: 2

Hello, I have been looking around at vmt hooks on multiple forums and don't want to just c+p one, I want to figure out the coding behind it and hopefully others can understand as well.

So far I have decompiled CSGO and found the D3d Device located here.

I also found the index for end scene 42 (42 * 4) 0xA8
ok, so so far I found the d3d device and the variable for endscene in it. Now we want to draw our own d3d internalz.
So far this is what I have done, any comments suggestions, pointers would be helpful in this process.

TEXT Code:
  1. HRESULT MyEndScene(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice) {
  2. DrawBox(100, 100, 100, 100, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), pDevice);
  3. }
  4. void VMT_HOOK() {
  5. DWORD addr_OfEnd_Scene = (DWORD)(GetModuleHandleA("shaderapidx9.dll")) + 0x1D56D8 + 0xA8;
  6. }

Last edited by VitaminZ (Wed 17. Feb 2016, 02:21)

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icon #2

Join Date: May 2011

Posts: 419


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So, how can we help you?

Is see no actual hooking done in your Code-Snipped...
Do you need help, to implenent your VTM-Hook ?


http://abload.de/img/pfeila4uzk.png Da unten ist ein Like-Button, benutze ihn doch
icon #3

Join Date: Feb 2016

Posts: 2

Yes, I see many different hooks on different forums some using asm, some not. I am just saying I got this far so what exactly should I do now to implement my own dx function before endscene.
Last edited by VitaminZ (Wed 17. Feb 2016, 20:51)

Reason: no reason given