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CSS Stürtz bei injecten immer ab !!

icon CSS Stürtz bei injecten immer ab !! #1

Join Date: Feb 2013

Posts: 11

So hier ein Screen wie es ausieht
Weiß vllt. einer wie ich es behebe

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icon #2

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8643


199 positive
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nett, so sah es auch noch nie aus

kann nur das normale DirectX Update + Graka Update anbieten.

greetz KN4CK3R


icon #3

Join Date: Feb 2013

Posts: 11

Oke werde es versuchen weil davor hat der auch einmand frei geklappt bis ich steam neu installieren musste weil da standt Bei jeden spiel cache datein werden geladen und dann immer wieder von vorne
icon #4

Join Date: Aug 2010

Posts: 1131


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Quote from Lucky_Luke
1 download & install:

2 download & install:
32Bit: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555
64Bit: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14632

if you have installed booth things...
-start your game
-wait until the game is compleatly loadet
-tabout of your game(ALT+tab)
-start your osh.exe(be sure you have osh 1.1.4 and fallow the readme!)
-select your game and push the inject button
-go back to your game,select & join a server and press the INSERT button.now should open a hack gui were you can modify your settings!



drawBox = draw a 2D box around the player
drawName = draw the name of every player
drawHealthbar = draw a Healthbar under the player
drawBones = draw the bones of every player
drawEnemy only = draw the features above only for the enemys

drawRadar= shows a movable Radar witch shows you the positions of the players
drawName = draw the names on the radar
draw Healthbar = draw the health on the radar
drawEnemy only = draw only enemys on the radar
Alpha = you can change the transparency of the radar

noSpread/Recoil = disable the spread/recoil of the weapons
drawCrosshair = draws a red Crosshair in the middle of the screen,so you have a crosshair with sniper rifles

activate Aimbot = activate or disable the aimbot
AimKey = the aimbot work only if you trigger the XXX key
Aimspot = decide were the aimbot should shoot to
Autoshoot = you mustnt do anything,only walk an aim,aimbot shoot automaticly if an enemy is in your Field of View(FOV) !BUT ONLY IF THE AIMKEY IS ON "NONE"
Stick to Target = if you hold down your aimkey he always will fallow your enemy
Field of View(FOV) = the area were the aimbot should shoot enemys(fov 2-5 is very legit,360 rage)
wenns nicht klappt,warte auf ein update!


icon #5

Join Date: Feb 2013

Posts: 11

Ich versuche es aber jetzt schon mal danke
icon #6

Join Date: Feb 2013

Posts: 11

Nein geht leider nicht also erst ma ohne aimbot spielen