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error oldschoolhack!!!!!=(

icon error oldschoolhack!!!!!=( #1

Join Date: Feb 2013

Posts: 4

What to do?
an error when I Play
I have all the time error oldschoolhack

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icon #2

Join Date: Aug 2010

Posts: 1131


22 positive
2 negative
Quote from Lucky_Luke
1 download & install:

2 download & install:
32Bit: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555
64Bit: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14632

if you have installed booth things...
-start your game
-wait until the game is compleatly loadet
-tabout of your game(ALT+tab)
-start your osh.exe(be sure you have osh 1.1.4 and fallow the readme!)
-select your game and push the inject button
-go back to your game,select & join a server and press the INSERT button.now should open a hack gui were you can modify your settings!



drawBox = draw a 2D box around the player
drawName = draw the name of every player
drawHealthbar = draw a Healthbar under the player
drawBones = draw the bones of every player
drawEnemy only = draw the features above only for the enemys

drawRadar= shows a movable Radar witch shows you the positions of the players
drawName = draw the names on the radar
draw Healthbar = draw the health on the radar
drawEnemy only = draw only enemys on the radar
Alpha = you can change the transparency of the radar

noSpread/Recoil = disable the spread/recoil of the weapons
drawCrosshair = draws a red Crosshair in the middle of the screen,so you have a crosshair with sniper rifles

activate Aimbot = activate or disable the aimbot
AimKey = the aimbot work only if you trigger the XXX key
Aimspot = decide were the aimbot should shoot to
Autoshoot = you mustnt do anything,only walk an aim,aimbot shoot automaticly if an enemy is in your Field of View(FOV) !BUT ONLY IF THE AIMKEY IS ON "NONE"
Stick to Target = if you hold down your aimkey he always will fallow your enemy
Field of View(FOV) = the area were the aimbot should shoot enemys(fov 2-5 is very legit,360 rage)
last css update offsets were changed,so you must wait for new OSHF so that the hack could work without problems!


icon #3

Join Date: Feb 2013

Posts: 2

Nevel_Jast*_*: У меня вообще контра тупо вылетает после запуска oldschoolhack,не знаешь почему?
icon #4

Join Date: Feb 2013

Posts: 4

I do not know
icon #5

Join Date: Feb 2013

Posts: 4

thanks you Lucky_luke
icon #6

Join Date: Feb 2013

Posts: 4

I generally live in Russia in Moscow,i Russian