using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using LeagueSharp.Common;
using LeagueSharp;
namespace DisableSpells
internal class Program
public struct SpellStruct
public string ChampionName;
public SpellSlot AvailableSpell;
public static List<SpellStruct> Spells = new List<SpellStruct>();
public static Menu Config;
private static void Main(string[] args)
CustomEvents.Game.OnGameLoad += Game_OnGameLoad;
private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "Rumble",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.W
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "Sion",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.W
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "TwistedFate",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.W
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "Jax",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.E
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "MasterYi",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.R
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "Annie",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.E
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "Singed",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.R
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "Vayne",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.R
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "Tryndamere",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.R
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "Teemo",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.W
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "Blitzcrank",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.W
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "Ashe",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.Q
Spells.Add(new SpellStruct
ChampionName = "Zilean",
AvailableSpell = SpellSlot.W
* Ashe:
* -> Fiora: OnAttack: Instant ultimate / no duration limit / less damage / can be attacked
* -> Twitch: OnAttack: Cast's W without CD except of AA
* -> TwistedFate: OnAttack: Always shoots with red card
* -> Ezreal: OnAttack: E particle, ways less damage, ways less attackspeed
* -> Lucian: OnAttack: R particle, goes throguh enemys, ways less damage, ways less attackspeed
* -> Brand: OnAttack: Ultimate
* -> Pantheon: Weird shit.
* -> Gragas: OnAttack: Ultimate with a cd of 10-15sec
* -> Varus: Uses the area Damage on attack
* -> Jax: Possible to stun everyone
* -> Lulu: OnAttack: Lulu AA becomes her Q and Pix also CS
Config = new Menu("Exploit", "Exploit", true);
Config.AddSubMenu(new Menu("Disable", "Disable"));
foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Hero>().Where(hero => !hero.IsMe))
new MenuItem(hero.ChampionName, "Disable on " + hero.ChampionName).SetValue(false));
Game.PrintChat("Exploit loaded!");
Game.OnGameUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
private static void Game_OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args)
foreach (var spell in Spells)
if (spell.ChampionName == ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName)
foreach (var hero in from hero in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Hero>().Where(hero => !hero.IsMe)
let isEnabled = Config.Item(hero.ChampionName).GetValue<bool>()
let championName = Config.Item(hero.ChampionName).Name
where hero.ChampionName == championName & isEnabled && !hero.IsDead
select hero)
Packet.C2S.Cast.Encoded(new Packet.C2S.Cast.Struct(hero.NetworkId, spell.AvailableSpell)).Send();