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BF4 Hack

icon Thread: [Release] BF4 Hack

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 1957

Kategorie: Battlefield 4
Entwickler: Twixt0r

Menu Toogle Key : Insert

Weapon Features:
No-Recoil F1
No-Spread F2
No-Breath F3

ESP Features:
2D Boxes Numpad1
3D Boxes Numpad2
Teamcheck Numpad3
Health Numpad4
Distance Numpad5
SnapLines Numpad6
Vehicle Numpad7
Names Numpad8
Bones Numpad9

Miscellaneous Features :
Custome "HUD" F4
Spectator Warning F5
Autospot F6
Unlock All (Unlockes all Attachments) F7
Custome Crosshair F8

// While ESP Vehicle is enabled 2d,3d boxes and snaplines are disabeld for Enemys in Vehicles Health Bar scales when Esp Names is activated Snaplines only draw within 100m range and some other shit.


Extract the .exe and the dlls into the same folder
Start the Hack & BF4(Order dosnt matter)
Let the Hack load and jump ingame
Make sure you run the game in either Windowed or Borderless Screen resolution
Press Insert to open the Menu.
-Check Keys List above for toggling

/hackdata/screenshot/thumb/79ead1690f354a3e09004388b3263c66.jpg /hackdata/screenshot/thumb/1f8f0424aa8da39136a59fd9e79a6d3f.jpg

BF4 Hack