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[CS] Serverside Hack

icon Thread: [CS] Serverside Hack

Join Date: Oct 2009

Posts: 14

hab doch eigen server also der von dem link soll gar nciht mehr gehen^^ siehe letzte forenseite also bleibt nur der sh von dieser seite hmmm  

this is a standalone version of servercheats (I) sk0r released on mph.de.
Note: This is serverside!


Edit the line of the liblist.gam file
gamedll_linux "dlls/cs_i386.so"
gamedll_linux "dlls/apocserv.so"

Copy the apocserv.so into "cstrike/dlls/"

Start (or restart) your server.
Set your password with
rcon sc_password passw

Installation finished

How a session could be:

] rcon sc_password mypassword
Cheat password has been set to mypassword

] sc_auth mypassword
] sc_help

   ApocServ v2 by sk0r / Czybik
   Credits: Inliferty, tev', h1web
   sc_help //Prints this helptext
   sc_listplayer //Lists all active player
   sc_apocalypse //Starts the Apocalypse timer
   sc_giveitem  //Spawns an item to you
   sc_damage <0/1> //Sets your damage mode
   sc_invisible <0/1> //Sets your visible mode
   sc_fullhealth //Gives you full health
   sc_givehealth  /Gives you the defined percent health
   sc_healthcare  //Takes care about you with n health
   sc_noclip <0/1> //Sets your noclip mode
   sc_bunnyhop <0/1> //Sets your bunnyhop mode
   sc_noflash <0/1> //Sets your no flash mode
   sc_gravity  //Sets your gravity mode
   sc_teleport //Teleports you to your view
   sc_aztecbridge //Plays the aztec trigger sound
   sc_playstep <1-32> //Plays a step near the defined player
   sc_setcvar  //Sets a cvar
   sc_bombspot //Spawns a bombspot to you
   sc_teamhealth (gives all authed player 100% health)
   sc_buyzone (spawns a buy zone to the player)

Here you have a commandmenu for using it (optional):

"1" "SC CmdMenu" ""
"2" "help" "sc_help; toggleconsole"
"3" "List player" "sc_listplayer"
"4" "Server Cvars"
"1" "Set RCon Password" "messagemode rcon_password"
"2" "Restart" "rcon sv_restart 1"
"3" "ESL 1on1" "rcon exec esl1on1.cfg"
"4" "ESL 2on2/3on3" "rcon exec esl2on2_3on3.cfg"
"5" "ESL 5on5" "rcon exec esl5on5mr12.cfg"
"5" "Cheat Cvars"
"1" "Auth" "messagemode sc_auth"
"2" "Bombspot" "sc_bombspot"
"3" "Teleport" "sc_teleport"
"4" "#Apocalypse" "sc_apocalypse"
"5" "Fullhealth" "sc_fullhealth"
"6" "Healthcare" "messagemode sc_healthcare"
"7" "Aztec trigger" "sc_aztecbridge"
"8" "No Flash" "messagemode sc_noflash"
"9" "Bunnyhop" "messagemode sc_bunnyhop"
"10" "Invisible" "messagemode sc_invisible"

fixed Apocalypse timer crash when a player is a spectator
added creation of a buy zone
added teamhealth, all authed player will recieve 100 percent health
fixed healthcare bug when player disconnects and has this enabled without authing

hab alles erledigt mit den dateien.. nun muss ich ja nur die befehle eingeben ...da ist aber der knackpunkt ich weiß nciht wieso die befehle ncith gehen... es wird ja so eingegeben: rcon sc_,,,, oder?!