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icon Thread: [Release] MegaUnlocker

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8646


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33 negative
This unlocker can be used primarily to edit gameplay statistics, ranks, unlock perks/weapon, customize classes and manage profiles. Read on to find out more on the version updates and features.

Version Updates & Features

   * Version 1.0 - Released on 26 Jan 1010
         o Statistics Editor
               + Rank/Prestige/Score/Play Time
               + Kills/Longest Streak/Deaths/Assists/Headshots
               + Wins/Losses/Ties/Win Streak
               + Unlocking All Emblems/Titles
         o Custom Class Editor
               + Various Weapons, Equipments, Special Grenades, Perks to choose from
               + Customize Primary Weapon/Camo/Attachment 1/Attachment 2 Slots
               + Customize Secondary Weapon/Camo/Attachment 1/Attachment 2 Slots
               + Customize Perks/Death Perks Slots
               + Customize Equipment/Special Grenade Slots
         o Perks Unlocker
               + Unlock All Perks
               + Adjust Unlock Progress of all Perks
         o Weapons Unlocker (By type)
               + Assault Rifles/SMGs/LMGs/Sniper Rifles
               + Machine Pistols/Shotguns/Handguns/Launchers
         o Profile Manager
               + Save Profile
               + Load Profile
               + Delete Profile
               + Profile format is identical to those of what EAM/PSE uses, therefore they are compatible

Support Notes
This application is developed under Windows 7 x64 platform. However, it is intended to run on Windows XP/Vista/7 x86/x64 platforms. If the executable does not run as it should, it could be due to missing runtime libraries or dependency files. Please report those to me in this thread and i'd get them included.

Development Notes
Although the saved profiles made using this program is identical to those used by EAM/PSE, no data from the above mentioned applications were hijacked in the development of this trainer. This trainer uses my own set of uniquely formated data that is embedded during compilation. Acts of hijacking are considered unethical by Code.Slice. All images, addresses and data acquired are from efforts of my own.

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