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[Config] CS:Source Zoomscript

icon Thread: [Config] CS:Source Zoomscript

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8646


199 positive
33 negative
TEXT Code:
  1. //ZoomConfig
  2. //(C) 2007 by KN4CK3R
  3. //zoom in and find out
  5. //////////////////
  6. //<taste> durch die gewünschte Taste ersetzen
  7. alias taste <taste>
  8. //////////////////
  10. alias zoom1 "r_aspectratio 0.2;bind taste zoom2"
  11. alias zoom2 "r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  13. bind taste zoom1
  15. bind "0" "slot10;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  16. bind "1" "slot1;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  17. bind "2" "slot2;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  18. bind "3" "slot3;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  19. bind "4" "slot4;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  20. bind "5" "slot5;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  21. bind "6" "slot6;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  22. bind "7" "slot7;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  23. bind "8" "slot8;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  24. bind "9" "slot9;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  25. bind "g" "drop;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  26. bind "r" "+reload;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  27. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  28. bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  29. bind "q" "lastinv;r_aspectratio 0;bind taste zoom1"
  31. echo "ZoomConfig"
  32. echo "(C) 2007 by KN4CK3R"
  33. echo "zoom in and find out"
einfach nur noch oben <taste> durch die von euch gewünschte Taste ersetzen und fertig...

greetz KN4CK3R

