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Thread: CS:S VIP/Private Hack | |
Join Date: Jan 2009 Posts: 2711 User-Rating: 17 positive
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öhm 60-2 und nicht einer hat was gesagt! edit: Mein fazit was ich auf der seite geschrieben habe- xst's CS:S-Testimonial Well, since EA was updated and is working properly again (thx for that) I finally can "start" to write a testimonial! I'll start with legit, since I haven't raged so much till now! Legit-Test: •Aimbot - ?/10 (haven't used it for legit gameplay yet BUT!!! I will edit if i finished the testing) •ESP - 9/10, because you can customize it for YOUR needs! it hasn't that overload of sh!t like most other hacks offer! It is quite simple and totally enough, even if I'm not using visuals most of the time! BUT!!! I miss the option to change the font! But nvm. its ok though! •Chams - 10/10 Never had such good working chams before. Most disappeared if the model walks behind a box (for example on dust2 on the a-spot) •Triggerbot - 10/10 First I though the -edit- was the only hacksite that offers a triggerbot, that only shoots, if a bullet would hit! But I'm positively suprised that EA got that too (didn't knew before I bought) •Partial No-Recoil - 8/10 Only 8 because it sometimes shakes, even if most people thought that my mouse was bugging! On the other site it reduces your recoil A LOT if you know how to play and not just spray around the map! -- Thats it for legit but I'll update if I got around to test aimer etc.! ---> legit gets a 1.085Ø (1.0 would be the best reachable) Now Rage-Test: •Aimbot - 10/10 NEVER have seen anything thats so accurate and fast as EA's aimer is like! It owns in Rage AND HvH as far as I could see till now •Autowall - 10/10 I know it belongs to the Aimbot-Point but in my mind it deserves a seperate rating! So... there is NO other hack out there thats buyable or even free downloadable with a so perfect autoaimthru-function! Its JUST AMAZING! •ESP - 9/10 (see legit) •Chams - 10/10 (see legit) •Triggerbot - (don't use in Rage-- its kinda pointless since its a legitfeature) •NoRecoil/NoSpread - 10/10 It's nearly 100% accurate so whats more to say! •AntiAim - 10/10 Even if I'm not a fan of HvH, I have to say IF a cheater was on the server (with aimbot) they didn't even hit me because of the AntiAim and the Autowall. 10 pts totally deserved -- well thats enough for now also in Rage (more will be edited if needed!) ---> Rage gets a 1.016Ø (1.0 would be the best reachable) Here is a screenshot of the first serious rage I made! And it was not longer than 10 minutes! *sitenote: the server had DeathMatch with Spawnprotection (which explains the 1 death) Only registered and activated users can see links. ----------->Overall - 1.145Ø (1.0 would be the best reachable) EA is the best hack I could experience ever! For Rage- and for Legit-Gameplay its special customizeable, which is so pretty easy because of the easy-to-use-mousegui! You can chance ur current config from rage to legit (or reversed) with 1 keypress and 1 click! I'm really thinking about expand my hack access to more than just CS:S! Hope you enjoyed ready this just to hear my opinion about EA or to be sure if you really want to buy (even if my englisch is pretty meh because i'm 1. from germany and 2. just 16 y/o) Best regards, xst __________________ ![]() |
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