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ZPh's simple wall with Engine v2.8

icon Thread: ZPh's simple wall with Engine v2.8

Join Date: Jul 2008

Posts: 2

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by aimface

support & proofness:
=> tested for CS1.6 and DoD1.3
=> VAC2 , VOIPLAY & HLG Proof


=> for best experiences, first start the loader(ZPh's simple wall), 2nd start Engine v2.8,3rd  start CS/DoD.Enjoy

=> FarESP
=> VisibleESP
=> BoxESP
=> NameESP
=> WeaponESP
=> DistanceESP
=> GaitSequenceESP (only CS)
=> EntityESP
=> Radar (only CS)
=> Aimbot (Aimkey, Aimheight, FOV, Deathmatch, NoRecoil)
=> Speedhack (Speedfactor, Speedkey)
=> NoFlash (FlashPercentage)
credits & thanks:
=> Gordon`, bi0s, xgx, seren1ty, sk0r, ko1n,
=> mp-hacks.de, mp-hacks.net, gamedeception.net, OGC,
=> LanceVorgin, deltashark, boeke, everyone else
changelog v4:
=> updated VOIP screenshot blocker
=> added NoFlash & FlashPercentage
=> added Speedhack
-----> Keys: 1 - aspeed; 2 - left mousebtn; 3 - right mousebtn; 4 - click on mwheel
-----> Factor: -25 to 25
=> added NoRecoil
changelog v3:
=> added VOIP support (including VOIP update scanner) (thanks seren1ty )
changelog v2:
=> added auto-offsets
=> added deathmatch mode support
=> general fixes
=> added advertising
changelog fix1:
=> fixed injection-error (I hope :p )
=> improved esp and aimbot functionality in DoD 1.3
=> aimbot now works in windowed mode too