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Adv Hack

icon Thread: [Release] Adv Hack

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8643


199 positive
33 negative
AdvHack is an external hack i wrote this weekend for fun. I decided to release it since it turned out quite nicely in the end.
I havent tested it much. So it might contain bugs, hopefully not.

The hack writes 3 different functions into hl.exe:
- StudioRenderModel (only hooked if wallhack is on)
- glBegin (for nosmoke)
- glVertex3fv (for nosmoke)
If you want to unhook the functions you must click End or restart the game.
However if you accidently closed the hack before pressing End. You can simply open the hack again and press End after it has initialized and it will remove all hooks.

* Aimbot (not done)
- Vector system
- Aimlock (seriously advice keeping this on if your using mouse1)
- AimSmooth (Human aiming)
- Aimkey system (Mouse1-5)
- AimTeam (0=Enemy || 1=Friends || 2=Everyone)
- FOV around target (wich means FOV decreases the further away target is)
* Wallhack
* NoSmoke
* NoFlash
- FlashPercent (what alpha flash should start at, around 200 is "legit")
* AntiRecoil
- RecoilStrength (100 = No recoil)

CVars dumped:
[Name: aimbot] [INT] [Value: 1] [Default: 1] [Min: 0] [Max: 1]
[Name: aimkey] [INT] [Value: 1] [Default: 1] [Min: 1] [Max: 5]
[Name: team] [INT] [Value: 0] [Default: 0] [Min: 0] [Max: 2]
[Name: aimlock] [INT] [Value: 1] [Default: 1] [Min: 0] [Max: 1]
[Name: aimsmooth] [FLOAT] [Value: 7.00] [Default: 7.00] [Min: 1.00] [Max: 50.00]
[Name: vec_forward] [FLOAT] [Value: 6.00] [Default: 6.00] [Min: -15.00] [Max: 15.00]
[Name: vec_right] [FLOAT] [Value: 2.00] [Default: 2.00] [Min: -15.00] [Max: 15.00]
[Name: vec_up] [FLOAT] [Value: 18.50] [Default: 18.50] [Min: 0.00] [Max: 25.00]
[Name: fov_width] [FLOAT] [Value: 50.00] [Default: 50.00] [Min: 5.00] [Max: 100.00]
[Name: fov_height] [FLOAT] [Value: 35.00] [Default: 35.00] [Min: 5.00] [Max: 100.00]
[Name: antirecoil] [INT] [Value: 1] [Default: 1] [Min: 0] [Max: 1]
[Name: recoil_percent] [INT] [Value: 80] [Default: 80] [Min: 10] [Max: 100]
[Name: antismoke] [INT] [Value: 1] [Default: 1] [Min: 0] [Max: 1]
[Name: antiflash] [INT] [Value: 1] [Default: 1] [Min: 0] [Max: 1]
[Name: flash_fadevalue] [INT] [Value: 200] [Default: 0] [Min: 0] [Max: 255]
[Name: wallhack] [INT] [Value: 1] [Default: 1] [Min: 0] [Max
Download Adv Hack

