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M&B: Napoleonic Wars 1.006/1.154 Hax

icon Thread: [Release] M&B: Napoleonic Wars 1.006/1.154 Hax

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8643


199 positive
33 negative
Now you can edit settings.ini file, to choose your own Zoom level and 3rd person camera offsets.

Hotkeys are also added, F6-F11 turn features off/on. F12 is easter egg(NON STEAM) , Insert to open menu.
Also this version uses signature scanning, so you might give it a try on steam version of game.

This version seems to work fine on steam, but some people report crashes if they turn on menu, so if you use steam version of the game, and don't want to download one from taleworlds use Hotkeys to toggle options.
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Download M&B: Napoleonic Wars 1.006/1.154 Hax

