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Dayz/Arma OA Script Injector

icon Thread: [Release] Dayz/Arma OA Script Injector

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8643


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Automatically injects your script into game.
Require Cheat Engine 6.2

This is my script injector for Arma 2 OA/DayZ. It works almost the same way you would manually change scripts with cheat engine to get Shift+P(Or else) run your scripts(Scripting/Cheating at DayZ for beginners). This injector's purpose is only to save your time.
This injector require Cheat Engine 6.2 installed on your computer!!!

Running First Time Instructions:
1. Open the game
2. Open the injector
3. Put [pointer] value(pointer(s) will be located at the bottom of this post)
4. Press Update
5. You should get [Address] and [Current Value] updated. If you got [Current Value] something weird that doesn't look like script at all then you got the pointer wrong
6. Put your script to [Change To] value (I recommend making the script's length less or equal than its original length because if the length is greater than it's original length it will override other addresses which will cause conflicts).
7. press [Change] button, your [Current Value] and [Change To] should be the same now
8. Press [Save] to save [pointer] and [change to] values for the next time you run the injector
9. Close the injector
10. Play/Script your game

Running Next Time Instructions:
1. Open the game
2. Open the injector, you should see the [Pointer] and [Change To] values that you have saved previously
3. Press [Update]
4. Press [Change]
5. Close the injector
6. Play/Script your game

pointer: [[[[[arma2oa.exe+009D580C]+1A4]+24]+28]+5F8]+E8
length: 99
original value: private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";
description: this pointer links to the script that runs when you press Shift+P
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Download Dayz/Arma OA Script Injector


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Purt1931 (Sat 13. Feb 2016, 15:30)