Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 419
CPP Code: void WriteProcessMemory() { DWORD pID; HANDLE hHandle; HWND hWindow; SetConsoleTitle( "SpaceHack by Sandaasu" );//titeltext hWindow = FindWindow(0, "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive");//finde Fenster mit diesem namen GetWindowThreadProcessId( hWindow, &pID);//get PID hHandle = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, pID);
and some lines later:
CPP Code: void appHotkeys() { WriteProcessMemory(); DWORD pID; HANDLE hHandle; HWND hWnd; SetConsoleTitle( "Space Hack by Sandaasu" );//titeltext hWnd = FindWindow(0, "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive");//finde Fenster mit diesem namen GetWindowThreadProcessId( hWnd, &pID);//get PID hHandle = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, pID);
Sence of this ? o.O
CPP Code: #include <Macosx>
CPP Code: void appTitle() { WriteProcessMemory(); }
CPP Code: using std::cout; using std::cin; using namespace std
dafuq ?
Quote PS. i removed simple stuff to avoid quick C&P the complete code looks like c&p
Quote Note : to keep it undetected find a nice crypter/packer äääh nope ? external hacks like this are undetected... vac just make's some crc checks, so just change something on the code, and vac won't detect it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: Wer hat den wunderschönen Post unter diesem hier weggemacht ?
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