Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 8643
Kategorie: Other Entwickler: Killamachine
Beschreibung: - Added "3 Box Farmer" for PrisonBreak:Survival to farm ingame euros with - WeaponSpawner now shows weapon names instead of numbers - All text, etc. that was on the screen can now be turned off by unckecking the menu item "Help"
- Aimbot:
- ESP:
- Name ESP
- Box ESP
- Healthbars
- Weapons:
- No spread/no recoil
- Auto fire 2 (makes semi automatic guns fully automatic)
- Weapon spawner:
- NUMPAD +/- to select weapon by number
- NUMPAD 3 to spawn selected weapon
- NUMPAD 0 to drop your current weapon
- Knife range hack
- Others:
- Godmode:
- NUMPAD 1 to enable/disable
- Jumphack
- BattleItem spawner:
- Right/Left arrow to select Battle Item by number
- Arrow down to spawn selected Battle Item
- Namer hider
- Name stealer (steals random name from one of your teammembers)
- Team changer
- One Position Kill
- End Round
- End Game
- Bubbly enemies (Causes them to fly)
- Spammer
- "Euro farmer" aka "3 Box Farmer" (pretty simple)
- Create a new room of PrisonBreak:Survival
- Check the menu item "3 Box Farmer"
- The hack automatically presses F5(Start) for you, once ingame it adds 3 boxes and ends your game
- Once you're at the scoreboard which tells you that you received 500 ingame euros move your mouse over the "Confirm" (or whatever button there is in the middle of the screen)
- You now can leave the pc, it will farm for you until you uncheck "3 Box Farmer"
- Uncheck "Help" to make all the strings disappear when the menu is closed.
How to use: - Use any auto injector (like PerX) - If it doesn't beep and/or XIGNCODE still updates after the hack got injected (you can see this on the bottom right) kill AVA.exe with your taskmanager and try again - Once you're in the lobby press INSERT once to make the hack work. Now you can use INSERT to toggle the menu You have to have the injector inject AS SOON AS AVA.exe STARTS! else XIGNCODE will start and the bypass won't bypass.

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