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Rust JackeD v1.0

icon Thread: [Release] Rust JackeD v1.0

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8643


199 positive
33 negative
Kategorie: Rust
Entwickler: JackD

This hack is the mother of all rust hacks, you won't die against any other payhack anymore if you use it correctly. It works on steam and emulated rust.

Cheatpunch is bypassed for now and it's VAC secure. I put in a security mechanism that stops the hack from injecting if it detects a higher version of rust then the current 11 feb one.
This should work but FP could get around it. So in case of game updates just wait some time so I can check if CP has been updated or something and bypass it again. Don't want you getting banned

- Normal Aimbot
- Silent Aimbot
- Aim at Head/Pelvis
- Aim at Animals
- Player/Loot/Resource/Sleeper/Animal ESP
- Raid Helper
- Fly Hack
- Speed Hack
- Super Jump
- Light Hack
- Crosshair
- No Fall Damage
- No Spread/Recoil
- No Fall Damage

- Only registered and activated users can see links.
- Only registered and activated users can see links.
- Only registered and activated users can see links.

Menu Navigation:
- Press Insert to open menu
- Press right mouse button to activate shit

How To:
- Unpack the downloaded .zip
- Start rust and stay in main menu ( only inject when you haven't joined any server before )
- Start JackeD Loader.exe


Rust JackeD v1.1.3

