Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 8643
Kategorie: Battlefield 4 Entwickler: headshooter
Beschreibung: Working for Battlefield 4 & Battlefield 4™ Please rename the file and change the MD5 for your own safety As always use at your own risk! PB Status: Undetected Requirements:
- Random generated Window/ClassName
- Configuration Settings File
- Menu with Mouse Support
- Spectator Warning
- Close Enemy & Vehicle Warning
- Highlight Special Players
- External Bone Aimbot
- Box ESP
- Line ESP
- Skeleton ESP
- Vehicle ESP
- Enemy Only
- Visibility Check
- 2D Radar
- Health Bar
- Distance
- Name
- Crosshair (Optional Mortar Crosshair)
- Own Health Bar & Ammo
- Weapon Removals (No Breath & Recoil) 100% Crash Free! Tested in many rounds...
- Visual Removals (No Sky, Fog, Flash Lights, Plants, ...)
- ScreenShotBlocker (Black ScreenShots!)
- Borderless mode: If you have problems with borderless after patch of 25.02,
switch in menu to windowed and back to borderless and then start the overlay. Don't re-size the game window after the overlay has started. - It can rarely happen that a player doesn't gets displayed by the overlay (This is a bug after patch of 25.02, i will need to test what causes this)

Download: Overlay v1.5 Public