Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 8643
Kategorie: TeamFortress 2 Entwickler: Olipton
Beschreibung: Features:
- Aim Bot
- Aim Fov
- Aim Pos
- Smooth Aim
- Silent Aim
- Auto Fire
- Aim Lock
- Show Name
- Health Bar
- Health Text
- Body Box
- Head Box
- Show Distance
- Show Class
- Show Teamates
- Show Objects
- Bunny Hop
- Taunt Slide
- Spinbot
- Remove Cloak
- Remove Disguise
- The injector has to be named the same thing as the dll
- You have to run the injector before launching TF2
- This isn't my final release, and there are still bugs and very few features
- The menu can only be opened (with insert) while in a game
- The aimbot should be pSilent, meaning spectators see what you see (Aslong as I didnt break anything)
- The auto-fire option in aimbot sometimes shoots while disabled (Infact you might as well just stick to silent aim mode until I patch that)
- The Aimbot shoots at center mass
- Spinbot is SMAC detected
- This whole thing is VAC detected
Quote - Gir489 for the darkstorm base (Although some kevin (Kalvin) guy helped or something)
- TONS OF CREDIT TO Katetem for YABE and some Crapstorm code although I didn't notice crapstorm until I had done like 90% of my code so I missed out on free copy paste
 - LMAOBOX for being an inspiration
- Some other guy on the forum (I will add his name when I find the post again) who supplied pSilent aim code

Download: Olipton's Boat Hack V3.1