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help-meeeee "OldSchoolHack 1.5"

icon Thread: [Help] help-meeeee "OldSchoolHack 1.5"

Join Date: May 2014

Posts: 2

hello I'm Brazilian (battlefield heroes version 1.118.254238)
I need lots of help whenever I open oldschoolhack 1.5 and 1.4.1 of the error says I'm not allowed please help me 
esso the error down here 
(this error here tava in a written document OSHFusionError)

   em ﴢ뇫͒�쌊엦れ捨.珟뷚៺筙用蕿(IntPtr 棙粇༾冺Άࠩ㑅, UInt32 蘻偛�А䩯ᚫ, Ꙩ鑀ሎᷡﳉჽ縷ᅩ 쿮쫺ꠘ癋އ⌈诹)
em ﺲ瘄Ԓᷱ腴꟯绐.書⟼矽湼핊슫Iⷈ(瞐樂矣剖ꝿ请衣밍 㡥橻Ṿ̛姀뙹檸⌖, IntPtr 棙粇༾冺Άࠩ㑅, Boolean ♶빹﹁톯죻�᱈͜)
em ﺲ瘄Ԓᷱ腴꟯绐.書⟼矽湼핊슫Iⷈ(瞐樂矣剖ꝿ请衣밍 㡥橻Ṿ̛姀뙹檸⌖, Int32 鄒锝䅛㻺셔妸왇뵍, Boolean ♶빹﹁톯죻�᱈͜)
em OSHFusionLoader.MainForm.書⟼矽湼핊슫Iⷈ(꨹禦琕ᷪ扒ᡦ‌ �缶剞䋪腯ꉖᲱ൦, Boolean& 絲뾿⥩乾胧金싹)

80004005 Acesso negado